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Sending my application!


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hi everybody...i am not on here much.....

but today i have had a miserable day and HAVE to share the fact that my lawyer is sending my application in to Western Australia, Teaching..or whatever it's called, don't have the energy to check!

looks like it won't be long now..

got an 8 for my IELTS and my husband (secondary applicant) a 7

all we need to do soon are our Medicals.

We are in London, UK..

and have applied for our unabridged certificates online through Gawie Maritz - Que stop..

he is quite deurmekaar, but tells us the certificate applications have been lodged today...we should get them within the next month...

anyone else applying from the UK?

its hard, because I like to read this forum - because i miss home...but i must admit some South Africans ask some really really silly questions!

I guess that's why they call it a forum!

well, good luck to you all!!

x :ilikeit:

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Dear Alpha

Welcome to the forum. I hope that your process /application from the UK goes quickly.

Yes, some people do ask what appears to be "silly questions" , but if you dont know the answer, you ask question and find out.

Anyway good luck



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