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Hi to all,

Where to begin...

I just got married on Saturday and am very happy. In our little family is myself, David (my hubby) and my boys from a previous marraige, Dylan (10) & Keegan (4). David and I have been together for 2 years now after meeting on www.love2meet.co.za!

David has signed his contract with a company in Perth and is leaving on the 13th of October. While away they will be applying for his 457 and once his has been done they will do ours. I think we are very lucky as the company is sponsoring all of us, they have already paid for his first flight out to have a meet and greet and look around, they have booked and paid for his flight going in on the 13th and coming home in December (it will be very difficult to have him gone for two months :thumbdown: but we keep reminding ourselves that it is for a better future!!!). They will pay for a further 2 flights while they await our Visas and then they will also pay for all our flights to OZ. They will also be paying the removal of our furniture and sponsoring our Medicals until we get PR. Dave will also be living in the company apartment until we arrive. I think we are very lucky. So hopefully we will all be there early in the new year.

I will probably have a lot of questions to ask and I think this is a great place to get to meet new people. Starting over in a new country is not easy.

Anyway, pop in for a chat.


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Hi Charmaine

Welcome to SaAustralia, hope you find many answers to your questions here!

Enlighten us, why are you not all on the one 457 visa that is being issued for David? There is no need for you to be separate, he gets the visa and you and your kids go on his visa as dependents! If you have all the paperwork it will not make the issuing of his visa any slower!

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You ARE very lucky, we paid for the move ourselves. No LSD trip, just immigrated to a country we've never seen before. Just the container and the flight tickets were R100,000. Then we paid $850 per week for the first month in the furnished apartment, and we are paying for our own medical aid.

The savings took a bit of a blow, but at least we have stopped bleeding money, and now we are getting back on our feet... B)


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Hi Charmaine

Yep i think you are very lucky to have the company pay for all those flights, as you know how expensive they are between South Africa and Aus.

Good luck, the wait will be well worth it..

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Dear Charmaine

welcome to the forum, and good luck with your move to Perth.

Hopefully, you will join us at one of our BBQ's one day.



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Welcome Charmaine,

You do sound very lucky. What does David do for a living ? This company seems to be bending backwards to get him.

All the best with your immigration plans.

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Hi Charmaine

Welcome to SaAustralia, hope you find many answers to your questions here!

Enlighten us, why are you not all on the one 457 visa that is being issued for David? There is no need for you to be separate, he gets the visa and you and your kids go on his visa as dependents! If you have all the paperwork it will not make the issuing of his visa any slower!

Hi Mara,

Thank you for the welcome.

His new company wanted him to start sooner rather then later, so he is going and then cannot leave until the 457 has gone through which they say should only take 6-8 weeks. He also has a British Passport which I think makes it easier. It all happened so quickly so I am staying for now to sell the house and we wanted Dylan to finish his Grade 5 year here also. We will all be there soon!!

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Welcome Charmaine,

You do sound very lucky. What does David do for a living ? This company seems to be bending backwards to get him.

All the best with your immigration plans.

Hi there,

David studied to be an Oceanographer but then went into the mapping of the ocean floor, dams, etc., he will be employed as a Senior Surveyor. He runs the multibeam equipment that then maps what is happening beneath the water, interesting but too technical for me I'm afraid.

The new company would have signed the contract without him even having gone out to meet them but then he insisted as he has also never been there and wanted to go and have a look around before making the final decision. He said that we will be very happy there. I hope to go out early in the new year to have a look around.


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That sounds like an interesting job !! And they obviously want him - thats great.

Good luck with selling the house, I am also staying behind to try to sell ours, but have to leave SA on 24 Nov, been on the market nearly 4 weeks and have had 3 people to look - and time is running out !!

All the best with your plans.

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Wow, Charmaine

Seems like you did all the Big steps in one year! Congrats on the wedding first of all :ilikeit:

And then welcome to this awesome forum, you will soon feel the caring people's love on this forum. It is beyond your wildest imagination B)

Ask as much as you want and can, the people on this forum have no end to the amount of information and affection they can share!!

Welcome from:


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Welcome Charmaine, we are also heaidng to Perth, we are leavin in Jan.

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Hiya CharmaineT!

Sounds a bit like my own story - also got married, flew out to live in US for a while a week after! (Was first marriage, still living with parents at the time. Talk about a shock to the system...) :thumbdown:

We're new to Perth also - let us know when you arrive and we'll get together. Where are you planning on living? Good luck with all your preparations, and be safe!!


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Hiya CharmaineT!

Sounds a bit like my own story - also got married, flew out to live in US for a while a week after! (Was first marriage, still living with parents at the time. Talk about a shock to the system...) :)

We're new to Perth also - let us know when you arrive and we'll get together. Where are you planning on living? Good luck with all your preparations, and be safe!!


Hi L.

Luckily David and I lived together for a year so nothing much has changed, it's just all legal now! :-)

David has decided to adopt my boys now as well but hopefully that will go well and should be done by the time our paperwork comes through.

We will look around Perth, will probably decide once David has found a good school and live in that area. Because he will be going before us he will have at least 4 - 6 months to look around. I will keep you posted and it will be great to meet up when I finally get there. I am already getting a lump in my throat at the prospect of David leaving on 13/10 but we have to do what we have to do.

Take care,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,

And David is on his way, his flight in JHB has boarded and the long flight is ahead of him. And I just can't stop crying. But it has all started and is very exciting. The house is on the market and we have had a lot of people look but no buyers yet, hold thumbs, I know it is not the best time to be selling house but unfortunately we don't really have a choice.

Take care.

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Good luck with everything! We are also going to Perth in Jan; look forward to meeting you there. We know how hard it is to get everything organised, and hold thumbs for you.


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Hi everybody,

Thank you for the well wishes. It will be great to meet other people in Perth. David does a lot of off-shore work so it will be great to make some friends.

Chat soon.


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  • 3 months later...

Hi everybody,

It has been a while since my last message. Wanted to let everybody know how things are going.

David has his 4 year visa, stamped in his passport. The adoption of the boys was finalised a week ago so finally David could apply for our Visas as well. Applications are in. The boys and I went for Medicals and X-rays on Friday and those will be sent off today and should take three days to get to Perth. I am finishing work this week Friday and then have to start sorting the house as we are getting in quotes and want to pack up just before the end of the month and send the furniture to Oz. Unfortunately the house has not sold but I found somebody who will rent it so at least the bond will be covered.David is coming to help and then he will go back to Oz and then I will stay with family for two weeks. If all goes well the boys and I will fly out middle March. My son has a 3 day camp which he really would like to attend and we thought that would be a good way for him to say goodbye to his friends so after that we are on our way.

There is so much to do. I have already started crying, going to miss my family so but thinking of our new life. My hubby has just bought us a car in Oz so at least we will have transport, not that we will really need it I am told. He is still in the company apartment and will probably stay there till we get there then we can look for a home together. All very exciting.

Will let you know when our Visas come through and flights are booked. Hope to make some new friends when I get there!!


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Hi CharmaineT,

I have been following your story, and I'm so glad it's all working out for you!

March isn't far off now, vasbyt for those last few weeks...it's going to be a wonderful family re-union :ilikeit:

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Hi CharmaineT,

good luck with the move. You will love it in Perth and it will be easy to make new friends. We also lived in Bloubergsands prior to moving, so we will be "almost neighbours" again soon :ilikeit:

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

We are on our way, Visas have been approved and flights booked. We are going to JHB on the 12th to meet up with family and friends and then flying to Perth on the 16th!! Very excited and nervous all at the same time. But looking forward to it. Hopefully I can meet some people from the site when I have gone over.

Take care and to those still waiting, stay positive!!

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Fantastic. have a safe trip and ENJOY THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURE!!!

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Hi Charmaine,

Welcome to the forum! You are very fortunate that the company is paying for almost everything. I envy you guys!

Good luck with your trip.... keep us all posted. If you got any questions, dont bother to ask.


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