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Hi to everyone

My name is Freda, I'm a mature ;) registered nurse/midwife. Currently working in the Middle East and trying to get to Aus as SA seems like a definate NO ;) NO these days. Going at it alone... scary!! :( I am waiting to hear from WA nursing board, hopefully in the next 3 weeks. Wrote IELTS on 6 Sept at UAE University, still waiting for results. Once registered I plan to apply for a midwifery position somewhere, maybe Bunbury or more rural. If anybody has any advise or info as far as nursing in rural or smaller cities I would appreciate it.

I would like to hear from all the other :holy: nurses and midwifes on the forum. Where you working? How does nursing in Aus compare to SA? What's it like to work with the Aussie nurses and doctors? I hope to get a hospital to sponser me for a visa as I am a bit late to try the PR route, already 45 :P

I'm trying to get some of my friends and my sister (also a midwife) to join me in this venture as I find it scary to do all this on my own, it would be nice to have a friend or :D sister join me.

Thank you to all of you for the info I already got from this forum, you guys are great an keeps me motivated while waiting and having to deal with the likes of SANC :angry:

Cheers till later

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Hi freda,

Sorry I an not a nurse or Midwife, but just wanted to say welcome to the forum and good luck with your application.

There are a few single SA nurses in Perth adn WA, so you wont feel alone.

I am sure that you will not have any problems with your application.

Everything of the best



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Hello Freda and a big welcome to the forum.

Only a matter of time before someone in your line of work gives you the answers youre looking for.

All the best

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Hi Leigh, Enrica and Ready2go

Thank you for your posts on welcoming me to the forum. It sure feels a lot more real when you start communicating with other people that has the same idea as you.

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Hi Freda

We are in WA and from what I hear most of Oz can't get enough nurses so I reckon you'll get in somewhere.

Good luck and let us know how it goes


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Hi Freda

I am a nurse working in Perth, there is a huge shortage of nurses especially midwives here, you should not have a problem getting a sponsorship to work. I would recogmend that you approach the individual hospitals personaly, if you are able, to obtain an interview. A friend come over to visit me, also a nurse, I took her to 2 private hospitals to enquire about the process. While at each hospital they asked her for an interview there and then and both offered her a sponsorship. The State hospitals also do offer sponsorships. If you are wanting to work in rural towns as a midwife you proberly will not have any problems. They are even offering monatary incentives for the nurses who have left the proffession to re-enter. They do not seem to be worried about the ages of the nurses. But they do like to have a face to face interview, which by the way is very informal.

Good luck


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Hi Mandy

My wife is a nurse. We are applying for a 175. What is it like working as a nurse in aus as compared to south africa. The working conditions have deteriated, and my wife hates her job now, she cant await to leave. What is best ,to work in private or goverment.


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Hallo Mandy

Thanx for the info. Come on girl, talk to me. What's it like working there, the doctors, nurses and hospital management ect.?

I will have to put my faith ;) in this and hope for the best as there is no chance of coming over on a LSD trip or for interviews. So will just have to hope for the best that where ever I end up is where I'm suppose to be. :whome:

Stay in touch


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