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New from Somerset West


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Hello to all forum members.

My name is JD Joubert and I suffer from "How to get to Oz" syndrome.

My family (consisting of myself, my wife and a 3 year old girl) have made the decision to go to Oz and start a new life there. Mostly for the benefit of our young daughter.

All politics aside, I would just like to give my family the 'option' to a better and safer lifestyle.

Most people I talk to agrees that Oz can offer just that.

It seems that I have hit the ‘jackpot’ as far as information goes, on this forum and I hope to be able to ask lots more questions……….


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Thank You Bitisbitis.

So far our main concern is to figure out witch visa to apply for.

As far as I have read, please correct me if I am not understanding something, the following is our choices.

457 Visa. This is apparently the quickest and cheapest way to get into Oz, but also the most risky as the company sponsoring you can leave you after 2 years and if you don’t find anyone else to sponsor you, then you must leave.

475 Visa. Sound like the most expensive route and it takes up to a year. One also needs to be very qualified in a certain field. But you are almost assured of Permanent Residence once arriving in Oz.

175 Visa. I have no clue what this option is. ???

Are there any other?

Oh, I am a Architectural Draughtsman with roughly 10 years experiance. Is there any one else here in the same field that can give me any other information of how they went about going to Oz?

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Hi JD,

Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will find all your answers here somewhere.

I am also from Somerset West. We are hoping to go over to Perth in December on a 456 business short stay visa and then be sponsored for a 457 visa in Australia. We feel very sad to leave Somerset West behind, just wish we could take it with - such a lovely town!

Best wishes with your emigration plans


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The whole secret for gathering information is, read, read, read, oh yes, and read again. Check out this site for all the different visa options and obligations and eligibility for each different visa:


You'll find everything there!



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Thanx Liggie. I did just that and now I know what a 175 Visa is.

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Hi and welcome to the forum

You will find lots of information and support here, in addition to making new friends with common goals.

This site is very addictive so be warned.

Let us know how you get on.



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I'm a Senior Architectural Technologist and trying to find a job sponsor for a 457 visa. You need a sponsor for this visa. The bad news is that it is VERY hard to find a sponsor...specially in many of the construction jobs.

There are only a few of us in construction/architecture on this forum....all having the same problem...

You must see if you qualify points wise for a 175/176 visa...its easier to find a job that way....but more expensive than a 457 and it takes much longer, but at least you will have PR.

PM me if you want more guidelines, because you are going to struggle to get a sponsor. At least i know what routes not to follow.


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Halo daar.

Welkom op die forum en hoop dinge werk vir jul mooi uit volgens plan.

Sterkte Urs.

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Welsome to the forum, I am sure that you will find most of the answers to your questions.



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Been reading and scanning this forum like crazy. Came to a conclusion though...................... "COPY and PASTE" into a Msword .doc is a good idea.

Otherwise info just gets lost..........

Oh.......... and thanx for the welcome you guys!

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