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Environmental/Sustainability Consultant


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Hi All

As a relative newbie let me start by saying what an amazing site this is and thanks in advance for those that have gone before for all your advice.

My situation is fairly straightforward and similar to seemingly so many on this forum. I recently graduated with a Masters in Sustainable Development and Planning and hold a degree in Environmental Science. As I have been studying for the last six years I have very little certifiable work experience in my field of expertise, but do bring 16 years of general work experience, advanced communication, office and management skills.

A recent visit to the Cape Town Expo showed that my skills were certainly in demand but as the show was largely geared towards the engineering industry they could not recruit directly. Several of the companies there highlighted that although every project required forms of environmental and sustainability reporting and monitoring this was usually outsourced. None of the delegates seemed to think that my relative lack of work experience would be too much of a problem if I was willing to accept a position and be prepared to work my way up. No problem there.

A fairly extensive web search reveals several environmental consultancies and quite a few positions advertised, some within local governments. I have applied to those positions for which I thought I was sufficiently qualified and will hold thumbs, but here is the problem?

1. As I require a 457 visa I need to find a South African sympathetic employer who would be willing to sponsor me in the field. Apparently gaining 457 sponsorship for these positions won't be a problem. Can anyone help point me in a direction or pass on inside contacts or advice? I have been through many of the general agencies such as SEEK and Career one.

2. Does anyone have any idea as to how to go about getting 457 sponsorship from the various local government departments or have any Environmental contacts here?

3. Is there anyone else on this forum who is connected to environmental or sustainability movements in OZ that I could possible speak to?

Thanks in advance for all your kind help hopefully one day when I am in a position to impart some knowledge on this site that will be my reimbursement. I am in a position to come over ASAP.


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  • 3 months later...

Send your resume on to me at terblanches@netspace.net.au, perhaps my employer can help!

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