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I was just wondering if anyone could might help me in assisting to find a good home for my beloved doberman/rottweiler mix. We will leave at the end of September and could not re home him yet.

He is approx. 7 years old a real stunner and extremely lovely. He is neutered, healthy, has got all his yearly injections and further he has a micro-chip implanted, which would have the new owners address in case that he gets lost. It would break my heart if we have to put him into a kennel, as he is very sensible and used to get a lot of attention. He is gentle on the leash, likes children and plays very well with all dogs. We stay in Cape Town.

Thank you in advanced!


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Hi Kelly

I know how hard it is to re-home our pets. We had 3 kitties, and I found a wonderful home for them. We are still very sad, but we visited them afterwards, and they are so happy.

We advertised on Gumtree, and one lady took all 3 my cats. I've also had 2 Sha-Pei's long ago, and also found a wonderful home for them through Gumtree. Give it a try, but insist on visiting their home to make sure they really are pet lovers. Good luck!

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Hi Kelly

I know how hard it is to re-home our pets. We had 3 kitties, and I found a wonderful home for them. We are still very sad, but we visited them afterwards, and they are so happy.

We advertised on Gumtree, and one lady took all 3 my cats. I've also had 2 Sha-Pei's long ago, and also found a wonderful home for them through Gumtree. Give it a try, but insist on visiting their home to make sure they really are pet lovers. Good luck!

I did but it seems it doesn't help a lot. Actually, a lot of people do call but tell me what problems the might have with their pets to get along with my one. Even one lady called me, cried in the phone to let me know that she had to put her very ill dog down couple of days ago and she needs a new dog to protect her on the 2000 m2 big property as she lives alone there. I was so excited thought i found a perfect home for my lovely dog but........ She prefers a brownish labrador dog not older as 2 years bcs of the vet bills and the dog is not allowed to come into the house. He must stay in his kennel outside bcs. of protection purposes and she mentioned i should put my one down as it would be the best for him. Dont understand why people call me and give me that kind of advise. She was not the only one. Eventually i cried after that phone call was depressed and my emotion went from high up completely down. I cannot express myself how hard it is to find a home for our beloved dog. It is even more difficult to find any homes for him. My time to re home him is so tight now and I am getting this feelings that if I dont find someone very soon who gives him a home I have to bring him to the dog kennels where he might would not survive for long. I never ever could put him down. Its so depressing and feel so guilty. What will be his future?

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Hi Kelly

This is propably not what you want to hear, but sometimes it is just better to put your dog to sleep.

I have a lovely Scottish Terrier, he has been with us for 5 years. I inhereted from casual friends. They wanted to put him to sleep and I thought that was cruel so I took him. He was 5 years old at that stage.

I love my pets like children, they sleep in the house and are allowed on the furniture etc. But even though I love my Scott, he pines for his old family, he spends his days lying in wait at the gate, even when I am at home, I have to go and fetch him to get him away from there. About 1.5 years ago his previous owner was in town and came around to look at him and he went absolutely crazy with joy.

Now I have made myself cry again :angry: sob!

When we go to Oz I am going to put him to sleep, I know that he has had good life with us, and though it is going to be VERY hard for me I cannot live with myself imagining my pet pining for me.


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Hi Kelly

This is propably not what you want to hear, but sometimes it is just better to put your dog to sleep.

I have a lovely Scottish Terrier, he has been with us for 5 years. I inhereted from casual friends. They wanted to put him to sleep and I thought that was cruel so I took him. He was 5 years old at that stage.

I love my pets like children, they sleep in the house and are allowed on the furniture etc. But even though I love my Scott, he pines for his old family, he spends his days lying in wait at the gate, even when I am at home, I have to go and fetch him to get him away from there. About 1.5 years ago his previous owner was in town and came around to look at him and he went absolutely crazy with joy.

Now I have made myself cry again :ilikeit: sob!

When we go to Oz I am going to put him to sleep, I know that he has had good life with us, and though it is going to be VERY hard for me I cannot live with myself imagining my pet pining for me.


Yesterday, I was completely down with my emotions, cried so much because of not being able to finding a good home for my beloved dog who has been

absolutely the best in my life.I send again an advertisement with so little hope as I have been messed around so many times. Within an hour a got a reply and today in the morning this lady called me and arranged an appointment with me for the evening. She is so alike me, a single mum with two boys (11 and 7 years old) has a lovely house with a great garden. My dog liked it there a lot and more else when the boys threw constantly the ball for him. Immediately he got everyones attention and it was clear for me it will be a good home for him. Crying we said good bye to him and while we left I recognized that this woman was crying too.

Two hours ago I called the lady to sort out the details for the microchip and she told me that he is already sleeping on the couch.

I am so happy now that we could re home him and I believe its a good home for him. I never could put him down. I guess with having so much attention from the kids he will settle soon. Its so dam hard to let them go and it shows that life can be sometimes very difficult.

I wish for all the people out there who are still looking for a good home for their beloved pets please do not give up.I will keep you in my prayers, and should anyone need help pls. contact me and I will do my best to help where I can.


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Hi Kelly

I know how hard it is to re-home our pets. We had 3 kitties, and I found a wonderful home for them. We are still very sad, but we visited them afterwards, and they are so happy.

We advertised on Gumtree, and one lady took all 3 my cats. I've also had 2 Sha-Pei's long ago, and also found a wonderful home for them through Gumtree. Give it a try, but insist on visiting their home to make sure they really are pet lovers. Good luck!

Hi Olkabolka,

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We found a good home for our beloved dog through Gumtree today. :ilikeit::D:ilikeit: It was very hard to say good bye and we are still crying. It was the best for him and I could not imagine to leave him back at the kennel while we are going to have a exciting future in front of us.

Kind regard,


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