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Hello and Help, help, Help?


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Hi all

After much deliberation we have decided to take the plunge before it gets too late. I am turning 45 next year and need to do this now or never. I will require lots of advice and assistance as there are a few options open to me and I am still, despite much reading on this forum, somewhat confused. Here is a brief profile so please help if you can?

I graduated from Stellenbosch in 2007 with a Masters in Sustainable Development after studying at UCT for three years and gaining a degree in Environmental and Geographic science in 2005. Although I have never actually earned a living in either of these fields I have worked closely with developmental issues and a large pilot project that formed the basis of my thesis. I have also engaged deeply with Environmental Impact Assessments but again not specifically as an employee in this field. Although a late developer (as you can tell from the mature age at which I decided to study) I have worked as a salesman and in marketing in various forms over sixteen years before deciding to study. Due to the situation in South Africa, BEE and my status (aged, white male) I, despite several interventions, have been understandably sidelined and this is the main motivation for leaving. I currently have three children in Adelaide who are permanent residents and who would gladly sponsor me if I put the money up. I am currently married and the application would include only my wife and myself.

My questions are as follows:

Which would be the most practical visa to apply for a 143 contributory parent which would set me back about $42 000 (a small fortune for me right now, but just affordable) but I would get PR on visa approval or the 475 which seems to be the most popular route but a bit more of a mission and far more reasonable?

Can anyone point me in a direction in applying for Environmental Impact Assessment type work as I feel that this is my real forte, given that I have had with very little practical experience in this world, it would need to be an inside contact or sympathetic, possibly South African employer or agent specializing in environmental contracting?

Does anyone know anyone directly involved with Sustainability audits or Sustainable Development employment?

I know this question arises all the time, but given my situation would you advise the use of an agent or not and if so who?

Okay! So I have put some meat on the bones of where I am at, you should know that we have definitely taken the plunge and have reached the point of no return so any advice to get the ball rolling as quickly as possible would be most appreciative. Thank you to the moderators of this site and all who have contributed with your vast knowledge to date, it is an amazing place to learn. Hopefully I can also contribute with the knowledge that I gain throughout this process as a way of putting something back for those who follow and to thank those that have gone before.

Thanks in advance Trailrunner

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I am sure you will get help soon. My husband was transferred and the company used 4 Corners as an agency to handle everything. So far we have been very happy with their service. http://www.4-corners.com

All the best with this big step. From what I have seen in the short time we have been here is that there are many opportunities, you just have to get here. With your qualifications, you should be able to get work quickly.

PS apply for unabridged birth and marriage certificates as soon as possible. Aslo book IELTS if you are going the permanent visa route. It is quite fully booked (english language proficiency test).

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Hi Trailrunner and welcome to the forum.

I cannot answer your questions, however we used the services of an agent as our applications was not straight forward -we used Migrate2Oz - and found their services professional and friendly.

All the best with your future plans.

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Hi Trailrunner - and welcome.

Firstly - you would need to apply using the skill for which you have the most experience. You have only had your degree for a year, but don't have the experience to match it.

If you are applying for a PR visa you would need to get your skills assesses, probably through VETASSESS, in your case.

I am attaching the skills assessment list from the immi.gov.au site (which you should give a thorough read).

At the end of the skills list, is a list of governing bodies for all different occupations. Find your governing body on there. Looks like you'll have to go through the marketing occupation. (plenty of work in marketing in Aus - lucky for you!!).

The reason I say this is because for your skills to get you the PR visa, you need to have a proven work record and have detailed work references from previous employers. You need to have been employed in your chosen field for 5 or more years.

If you are lacking points for the 175 PR visa, you are right - the 475 regional sponsorship is a bit easier to get, as you need less points. But then you have to stay in an area outside of the main cities. If that isn't a problem, then that would be best for you.

Like Polly says - the very first thing you need to do - TODAY is book to do the IELTs (there is a long wait of a few months, so seriously - book asap).

Also go to Home Affairs and apply for unabridged marriage and birth certs (including your children's).

You will need military clearance as well.

You will need Police clearance for everyone over 18 - but only at a later stage.

Hope I have helped?


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Firstly, 44 is hardly "aged" I agree with Leigh, your best bet would be to get hold of VETASSESS and ask them questions. My husband e-mailed and phoned them regarding his assessment, and they were helpful and efficient, and went out of their way to get him in to the practical assessment he had to do, of course an agent should be able to answer all your questions, at a cost! Wishing you all the best....

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Thank you all for the great advice it is fantastic to know that there are people who are willing to help.

If only we could have had this kind of comaraderie in South Africa

I am sure fewer of us would have felt the necessity to leave.

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Thank you all for the great advice it is fantastic to know that there are people who are willing to help.

If only we could have had this kind of comaraderie in South Africa

I am sure fewer of us would have felt the necessity to leave.

Hi Trailrunner,

I am also turning 45 next year. Our family situation is somewhat non-standard so we used an agent to guide us in the right direction. Looking briefly at your first post & taking your age into consideration it seems that you will have to move pretty quickly if your options are to include the 175 route. Its my opinion only, but for the sake of getting it right first time I would suggest you look at getting some professional advice. I can PM you more info if you need.



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What about a RSMS 119 Visa

Got to find a job for that first! But an excellent visa if you can get it, (so we've been told), it's what we are applying for...

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Got to find a job for that first! But an excellent visa if you can get it, (so we've been told), it's what we are applying for...

Could anyone please highlight the difference between the 457 and RSMS 119 visa please?

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I'd say that your best bet would be the 143

At least it is secure & the processing time seems to be under 18 months

What you could also consider is to apply for the 143 in the interim & then see if you can find a sponsor for a 457 or 119

If you come right with a sponsor on either 457 or 119, you can withdraw the 143.

But get the ball rolling in the mean time



PS - you'll be wasting money, if you use an agent - nothing complicated to it

Edited by JanCPT
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Could anyone please highlight the difference between the 457 and RSMS 119 visa please?

457 sponsored visa: you apply for a job, anywhere in Australia. The company sponsors your visa (457). You have to work for that company for a certain time - or you can look for another job with a 457 sponosrship if you want to eave that job. The 457 visa is a non-Permanent resident visa - it is only valid for 4 years.

119 - regional state sponsored visa: Also job based, but the state is sponsoring you. It is a PR-type visa. The only drawback is that you have to stay in an area outside of the main cities. This is because the states or regional areas are also deperate to finf skilled workers - but most people want to go the main cities. You have to stay in that region for 2 years. If you don't mind not being in a big city, then this visa is perfect for you! You also need less points to qualify - bonus!

Hope this helps,


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119 - regional state sponsored visa: Also job based, but the state is sponsoring you. It is a PR-type visa. The only drawback is that you have to stay in an area outside of the main cities. This is because the states or regional areas are also deperate to finf skilled workers - but most people want to go the main cities. You have to stay in that region for 2 years. If you don't mind not being in a big city, then this visa is perfect for you! You also need less points to qualify - bonus!


We are applying for the 119 visa and it is the EMPLOYER who is sponsoring us.

This is off the website....

The Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) is for employers in regional Australia, to fill skilled positions they are unable to fill from the local labour market.

Under the RSMS, employers are able to nominate staff from overseas or temporary residents currently in Australia to fill full-time, permanent vacancies

A Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme needs:

* an Australian employer

* an overseas employee

* an eligible position.

The process for obtaining a visa under the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme is summarised below.

Who Responsibility


* nominates the position(s) that they wish to fill

* arranges certification by the Regional Certifying Body

* recruits the overseas worker(s) to fill the nominated positions

* prepares a submission outlining exceptional circumstances (if this is needed).

Regional Certifying Bodies (RCB)

* assists employers to fill vacancies in regional Australia

* assesses whether the position is genuinely vacant and unable to be filled by an Australian employee.


* accepts the offer of employment from the nominating employer

* applies for a visa

* meets the conditions on their visa (once approved).


Australian employers in regional or low population growth areas of Australia can participate in this scheme. All areas of Australia are eligible except Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Melbourne and Perth.

Hope this helps....


Edited by Eva
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