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Het Jy 'n bietjie spasie in 'n container asb. (Pretoria)


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Wonder of iemand kan help, maar Moederlief het besluit Ek moet die 2 tee stelle kry en nou wonder Ek hoe moet Ek hulle hier kry. Ek gaan SA toe om ander personlukke sakke te reel binnekort en hoop om sommer 'n plan te maak met hulle. PM my asb. Baie Dankie Rina

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Hi Rina

My Afrikaans is not so good, what are 2 tee stelle, might be able to help you out, still waiting for our visas, going to Sydney hopefully end of the year as long as you do not mind waiting for your stuff. Heard that the containers can take a while to get there.


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Tea sets :D, cups, saucers, that kind of thing ;)

Be glad, when you get here, you won't need to stop saying "ja" to everything ;)

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