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A short bio on our family.

Him: 46, mech. engineer (plant and mining), experience in project management. Very fit, very healthy. Goal-oriented, driven. Very handy around the house, can fix almost anything, good with cars and mechanical whatnots. In road cycling.

Her: 44, graphic artist/designer (publishing), decades of experience in business media. Has inherited heart condition (well managed). Dedicated, eats deadlines for dinner (lol). Also accomplished home-maker (did own housework for more years than she'd care to mention). Has creative hobbies (sewing, writing, designing).

Junior Him: 16, chose engineering design & tech. as one of school subjects. Good science and maths marks (dedicated student). Avid cricketer (very good fast bowler for A-side club team in his age group) and keen cyclist. Solid kid. ;0

Junior Her: 9, knows she's centre of the universe, clever and gets good marks at school. Doesn't do sport because she's got the same condition as her mom (but well managed too). Cute kid. ;0

As a family in general?

Non-churchgoing, not much into clubs and interest groups, love pets, very independent in terms of not having clingy relatives (;0), pretty self-sufficient, very money-savvy (don't believe in credit or debt of any sort), love the outdoors (long walks, beach holidays, mountains), well-developed work-ethic (all 4 of us!).

So. How do we measure up as emigration potential?

~ He says they're too old as a couple. And that things like pensions and investments in SA could be a loss.

~ She worries that the heart condition in her and junior miss might be an issue (but there is a known support group and research unit for this in Adelaide).

Any thoughts?

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Hi Fizzpop

we are also in our mid 40ish and i think that age is just a number and we are proof of that. flying out to australia on 457 in +-2wks.

send out your CV's and see what happens. i don't think it should be a problem. this forum has everything u need.


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With regards to the medicals, I can't recall offhand what it is, maybe someone can respond or if you search the forum you should find it, if you are going to cost the Aussie government over $?????? a year or over a certain period, you may be turned down on medicals reasons. Ill health that is managed is not necessarily going to count against you. You should be able to get that info somewhere before you start applying...

All the best


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My 2c worth, if you look at where SA and your standard of living was 20 years ago, I would not be worrying about my pension that I will be collecting in 20 years, because even if the deterioration slowed down by 50%, it would still not be a country in which I would want my children to be living or for them to be raising any grandchildren I may have.

We started over at the age of 44, gave up all our financial stability to start again and you know what? We would do it again in a heartbeat. We have been out of SA for 15 years, and have never once regretted our decision to leave!

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We are also 40 somethings going over to Perth Jan 2009. It might be even harder if you are fifty plus.... What do your kids think? You are welcome to PM if you want to chat!


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A short bio on our family.

Him: 46, mech. engineer (plant and mining), experience in project management. Very fit, very healthy. Goal-oriented, driven. Very handy around the house, can fix almost anything, good with cars and mechanical whatnots. In road cycling.

Her: 44, graphic artist/designer (publishing), decades of experience in business media. Has inherited heart condition (well managed). Dedicated, eats deadlines for dinner (lol). Also accomplished home-maker (did own housework for more years than she'd care to mention). Has creative hobbies (sewing, writing, designing).

Junior Him: 16, chose engineering design & tech. as one of school subjects. Good science and maths marks (dedicated student). Avid cricketer (very good fast bowler for A-side club team in his age group) and keen cyclist. Solid kid. ;0

Junior Her: 9, knows she's centre of the universe, clever and gets good marks at school. Doesn't do sport because she's got the same condition as her mom (but well managed too). Cute kid. ;0

As a family in general?

Non-churchgoing, not much into clubs and interest groups, love pets, very independent in terms of not having clingy relatives (;0), pretty self-sufficient, very money-savvy (don't believe in credit or debt of any sort), love the outdoors (long walks, beach holidays, mountains), well-developed work-ethic (all 4 of us!).

So. How do we measure up as emigration potential?

~ He says they're too old as a couple. And that things like pensions and investments in SA could be a loss.

~ She worries that the heart condition in her and junior miss might be an issue (but there is a known support group and research unit for this in Adelaide).

Any thoughts?

Hey, what heart condition do you suffer from? May be able to help as i also have a heart condition, i have my 457 visa and i am hoping that it doesnt influence us when we apply for PR.

Edited by candivw
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Hey, what heart condition do you suffer from? May be able to help as i also have a heart condition, i have my 457 visa and i am hoping that it doesnt influence us when we apply for PR.

You have a PM...

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