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Anyone live in Landsdale?

Miss H

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We have been in Perth for 3 months and are looking for a rental. We really like the new developments that are springing up. We currently stay in a very (extremely) old house in Innaloo and we so want something like we had back home. We have found an area called Landsdale that seems very new and the prices aren't as steep as it is not that close to the city. It is only 20 km from my husband's work and I stay at home with my 2 year old so we only need parks etc to entertain us. Has anyone got some insight on the area ie schools for little ones, shopping, crime etc. Any info would be appreciated. Or even if you know where else there are new developments like this that we can look at.

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It seems like no-one has responded, so I'll give my 2c worth - hope this helps!

I understand where you are coming from regarding the old house/ new house thing! Landsdale is one of the neatest suburbs I have seen that is not also one of the most expensive! Shoppingwise it is very central to Joondalup (15 minutes) and you also have Kingsway shopping centre about 10 minutes away.

I am not sure if your husband uses public transport? You can check his travelling times from Landsdale if he does using the Transperth website.

Another newish suburb similar to Landsdale would be Atwell which is SOR (south of river) and is very close to the train line and freeway.

Hope you come right with a new rental!



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thanks Sue. We don't want to move South. I prefer North - many reasons why. Thanks for your input though. I thought no one lived there!!!

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Hi Ms H,

We live in Darch next to Landsdale. You wont make a mistake with Landsdale. There is a nice primary school and in Darch another public primary school and our kids are in Darch in Kingsway Christian School. They are building a high school in Darch which will be completed in the next months or so. Their is a bus 452 that takes you to Whitford Station and from there your husband can take the train. Their is local shopping centre with an IGA, bottle store, bakery etc in Landsdale. The closest bigger shopping centre is the Kingsway Centre in Hepburn Ave and then you have Whitfords about 9km the sea about 14km (Hillaries). Crime is low. You can have a look at the demographics of Landsdale on this site but do a Google perhaps you get more info. http://www.domain.com.au/Public/SuburbProf...p;mode=research

Trust this will help.

All the best Alias

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If I could make a suggestion it would be to perhaps look at Madley or Darch. It will be a little closer in and provide better access to shops and transport.

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We live in Landsdale. Love it. Great schools. Our daughter goes to Ashdale primary school and that is in Darch. She loves her school. There is a landsdale forum and it has, fast food and DVD shop, IGA, pharmacy. Medical centre.

Good luck with finding a home ;) Realestate.com.au had quite a few listed.


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We have been in Perth for 3 months and are looking for a rental. We really like the new developments that are springing up. We currently stay in a very (extremely) old house in Innaloo and we so want something like we had back home. We have found an area called Landsdale that seems very new and the prices aren't as steep as it is not that close to the city. It is only 20 km from my husband's work and I stay at home with my 2 year old so we only need parks etc to entertain us. Has anyone got some insight on the area ie schools for little ones, shopping, crime etc. Any info would be appreciated. Or even if you know where else there are new developments like this that we can look at.

Hello Miss H

I live in Landsdale and we love it! The area has a wonderful feel to it and the parks are great. The local primary school has a very good name as it is a merit select school. There are also a number of child care facilities. Crime is very low!

Send me a PM if you want to chat!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Miss H

I know it is a bit late but I will add my 2c worth. I live in Landsdale. Have lived in 2 different rentals and have finally bought a house here. Love it, very safe area for small children, lovely parks and low crime.


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