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Frankston Melbourne


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Can anyone comment on the suburb of Frankston, Melbourne for me? Anyone live there or have lived there?


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Hi Allison

I would perhaps be a little careful of Frankston, there are apparently some areas within Frankston that are not so good. I have never lived there, however, so I am only passing on what I have heard, perhaps there is someone else on the forum with better knowledge?

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Frankston does have a bad reputation because in the past it's been infamous for being a bit "scabby".

That being said all of the bayside areas are becoming popular, as plenty of people now want to live by the beach.

For that reason, house and land prices in the area are rising (and already have risen a lot!) which means the less desirables are slowly realising that they can get a fortune for their land and move somewhere else cheaper. People of a higher income bracket start moving in and building new houses. Along with this comes newer infrastructure - roads, parks, sidewalks, etc. For a while you have a mix of nicer, newer areas, and not so nice, older areas. Same with the people.

Eventually it starts becoming a nice area that's expensive to live in.

That's how I see it. I'd buy a house in Franston toady if I had the cash.

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Thanks for the advice. We are still going to check out Sunbury on arrival but have two, maybe three littlies :rolleyes: so hubby thinks that living near the sea and reliving his childhood beach days will be great. Thanks Hansa, we will still check it out. Some of the houses on the real estate websites look great - well kept. I also see that there is a golf course near by. The hard thing is to try and match south african perceptions of "rough" areas to Oz perceptions!

Thanks Mara and Hansa, you are the Melbourne help desk! I always know i am getting good advice.

Have a good week


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Hi Allison

Visited Frankston about a month ago, tried out the "new" Eastlink. Frankston is not all that bad, I agree there are some no go areas BUT the Bayside Area looked great....Frankston is only 40 minutes from Sorrento...


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I think it all depends on who is telling you that Frankston is "scrabby". When we decided to buy out in Cranbourne (older houses with bigger backyards kinda things)., we were warned that Cranbourne is a bit rough... but that said, we have been here 9 months now, and we love it. Note that the people who told us this, was people who had lived in areas like Brighton all their lives and that was the only place they would ever want to live!!

It is quiet and relaxed... we have a park across the house, etc. I am walking distance to Coles and to the school where my son will go next year. In my opinion every area (with the exception of a few VERY upmarket areas), has its better and its rougher areas.

I agree with what Hansa said... Frankston has a lot to offer and will have a lot going in a few years to come!!!!

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Hi Catz thanks for the info. I went onto Goggle earth and must say the pictures in the area look lovely. For us, there seems to be some great selling points, many of which you are supporting: the property looks of a fair size and price and the beach is close by. We are also the kind of people who try to avoid the super trendy spots. For example, we would not chose to live in Sandton in SA, just because the vibe is not for us. It is a great area but we like things a little more laid back.

We will check it out and I will make sure to look you up for a cuppa (in 18 months :(! )


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We will check it out and I will make sure to look you up for a cuppa (in 18 months :(! )


LOL you better!!!! All the best till then!!

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