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Greetings / Groetnis,

Hubby & I also recently made the decision to leave ZA for Aus. So far so good... According to the agency we should have our visas early to mid 2009. :ilikeit:

Looking forward to sharing experiences...


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Welcome to the forum. Ihope your application goes smoothly........have you decided on where you are planning on settling yet?

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Welcome to the forum. Ihope your application goes smoothly........have you decided on where you are planning on settling yet?

Thank you... Probably Melbourne, but we haven't made any final decisions regarding our final destination in Aus yet... :ilikeit:

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Greetings / Groetnis,

Hubby & I also recently made the decision to leave ZA for Aus. So far so good... According to the agency we should have our visas early to mid 2009. :ilikeit:

Looking forward to sharing experiences...


Hi Ready2Go,

You know how it goes... Once the decision to leave had been made there was no stopping us... So, we did whatever we could from our side with regards getting organized for the official visa application. We still have a long way to go, currently our progress is measured at 51.8% - at least we are over the 1/2-way mark! So far it has been fine... it's the dreaded waiting that we are NOT looking forward to, but the people on these forums inspire one to keep smiling... And, there is SO much to do in terms of preparing ourselves for the big move, isn't there? Before we know it, we'll all be sipping cocktails in Australia. :ilikeit:

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Hi and welcome!

Any idea yet of where you're going? Best of luck with the process ;)

Hi, thank you!

My son has been in Melbourne since 2001, he loves it... I don't really mind where we end up, as long as I have trees close-by, my husband at my side, and the opportunity to spend a bit of time with loved ones already in Aus, I will be a very happy gal! The visa we are applying for is non-limiting, so we can pretty much live and work where we want is what I was told... Where are you planning on settling in Aus?

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Welcome to the forum. You will find endless information, advice, new friends and a new addiction!

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Hi and welcome :)

You have definately come to the right place to find lots of useful info and meet new friends.

Good luck with the whole process - keep us posted on progress

Warning - this site is very addictive!

All the best


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  • 1 month later...

Hi All

We have also started the process of applying for PR. We are working through an agent. I am interested to find out from people how their experiences are with their agents ito service and communication. Is anyone here using ASA?

BTW this forum is really great!!!

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Hi Jumbojet,

Yes, we are using ASA Consultants too. So far they have been good, and the processing team in Perth have been terrific, answering all our questions thru the communication portal on our ASA online profile, and keeping us updated. Helpful too, just last week one of them offered to re-do hubby'c CV as it needed 'tweaking' in order to comply with the standard Australian format. When we signed up with ASA we were told that we will have a very strong support team to hold our hands thru the process. Actually, that was the main reason why we opted to go with an agent rather than attempting to do things by ourselves... The support and the expertise (meaning we would expect to make less mistakes along the way under their guidance.) Admittedly, we have not yet officially lodged our visa application as hubby only completes the last leg of his skills assessment on the 2nd October (practical exam), after which we can lodge! Hopefully we'll be ready to do this by mid-Oct.

The agency has offered to help us with (amongst other) financial advice, legal advice etc... I am sure that we will benefit from all of this before (and after) we get to Australia! LOL!!!

Good luck with your application! The support and advice offered on this forum makes the journey SO much easier!




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Hi Andi

We have been happy with our dealings so far and their advice on the extent of info requested is a huge relief as I think I would be stressing getting everything right. We are busy with skills assessment right now and should be able to submit all those docs by theend of the week. Once that is through then actual visa application can be done. So I am hoping to do this by the end of November/beginning of December.

Have you done IELTS tests? We go on the 8th November.

Good luck with the rest of your process.


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Hi Marc,

Yes, IELTS is fortunately behind us, not that it was an issue, it's just nice that we've passed that 'hurdle.' Good luck with yours on Nov 8th!

Skills assessment has been quite a long process, 3 stages of the process, the external exam (practical) being the last step which we are thankfully doing on the 2nd Oct. We are also battling a bit to get our unabridged marriage certificate from Home Affairs - have escalated the query now and will hopefully be in possession of this soon. Once the results of the external Vetassess exam has been rec'd (mid Oct) we should be able to lodge our application...

At the rate that the politics in RSA is unfolding, I am hoping that a miracle happens and that everyone applying for visas to Aus gets fast and positive service! We could all use a bit of good news and a jump-start to the next chapter of our lives - as migrants in the land of our choice!

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