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The beginning of the whole process


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Hi, well I’d like to share our story too.... It was like winning the jack pot!!

About two years ago we started mentioning the possibility moving to Australia, never really toke it up seriously until about a year ago, when realizing what was going on in SA and that it wasn't getting better and might never get better - I love South Africa and will always, BUT I do not love the big 5 (Robbery, Rape, burglary, theft and hi-jacking) we can barely sleep at night without the thought running through our heads of being robed, I don’t even stop at the stop street to avoid hi –jacking and when I go to town for a little bit of fun shopping I clutch to my bad like there’s no tomorrow. This is way we are leaving this country not because we are cowards but because we are thinking of the future of our CHILD.

By chance my husband sent his CV to the same company his working for but in Australia different division there was never a post advertised, within two weeks they phoned him, from there everything just worked out perfectly (JACK POT) he resigned on the

1 August 08 and staring his new job 1 September 08 so no arrangement has been made yet I’m sure it will start soon, they want us there the ST January 09. yip like a dream come true!!

Everything is still a bit overwalming and it still hasn't really sunk in that we are leaving the country. Every now and then the thought of saying good bye to everyone brings a tear. We will be brave and positive, we will make it!!

My husband is a QC Engineer and will be working for a company in Perth, Stirling. I will be a house wife for the first year or so, maybe then start something a bit later. My daughter is turning 4, I’d like to put her in school ASAP. The company is sponsoring us with a 457 visa.

I have so many questions??? So any advice from anyone will be greatly appreciated!!

1. What paper work do we need for the 457 visa,

2. Do we need to do the English test?

3. How long does this visa take?

4. Any suggestions on an immigration agent?

5. Moving companies?

6. Where is the best area to look for a home in South Perth?

7. What car should we get?

8. How is the public transport

9. What salary is average for a family of three?

That’s all I can think of right now – I will keep you posted on the progress of our BIG MOVE!!



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Welcome to the best forum ever.

Congratulations on the job offer and sponsor allready a big step forward.

To reply to your questions I will answer them as we did it, not everybody had to give all the information we had to. This is our experience so far.

1. What paper work do we need for the 457 visa

We were asked the following from the attorney - some 457 applicants didn't need to give all of this but we rather gave more than hold the process up because of a document they might need.

- Unabridged marriage certificate

- Unabridged birth certificates - whole afmily

- Valid passports - whole family

- IELTS - husband and me

- Medicals - whole family

- Military exemption - husband

- Police clearance - whole family

- CV as thorough as possible - husband

- Employment references - all companies - husband

- Employment service certificates - all companies - husband

- Certificates - any received from leaving school to date - husband

- Personal information - form supplied by attorney - husband and me

- Consent form for our two kids to go on the visa - husband and me

- All the paperwork as required by the DIAC

2. Do we need to do the English test?

The attorney handling our application advised us to do the IELTS, which we did. Mostly only the main applicant does this but I decided to do it as well just in case. To get a date for your IELTS is a nightmare, they are booked up for months. So should you do this you had bettr start making a booking as you will probably only get a date in about two months time, depends on where you will be writing.

3. How long does this visa take?

We started the process in February 08, only to start collecting all the paperwork and making sure we had everything once we got an offer. In May 08 we signed the offer, beginning of June documentation requested from attorney in OZ, on 20 June 08 the official visa application was lodged. It took more than a months to get our medicals from Sydney to Canberra the medicals was finalised on 21 June 08. Since then we have been waiting patiently - ok I am lying we are frantically waiting. Some people are very lucky their 457 visas have been approved 24 hours the official application was lodged and all documents received. So to put a time limit on this is a bit difficult.

4. Any suggestions on an immigration agent?

Lots of people handle the whole process themselves as agents charge quite a hefty fee and on top of that you still have to pay for documentation on this side. The company sponsoring us appointed an attorney on their side than handled all our affairs and requested the documentation from us. The lodged the application on their side.

5. Moving companies?

There is a thread regarding moving companies, there are quite a few to choose from. Obviously the best move would be to start looking at that once you have approval of your visa. Quotes go according to the exchange rate so if you get a quote now it would probably differ in a few months.

6. Where is the best area to look for a home in South Perth?

Sorry here I can not help we will be moving to Canberra

7. What car should we get?

This is an issue we will be looking at once we are there, allthough this has been discussed on the forum before.

8. How is the public transport

According to everyone allready in OZ the public transport is a dream.

9. What salary is average for a family of three?

I dont know what would be the best salary, we wont have much besides our furniture when we move there, but we are more than willing to adapt in what ever way and to survive with as little as possible.

Good luck I hope this helps.


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THANK YOU, for all the info this will really help alot!!

My husbands company will also arrange an "agent or attorney" for us, will this make our process much easier? Well i hope so cause we have no idea what so ever.... they also mentioned they will be paying for the relocation, does this cover Plane ticket, visa, moving company etc.. they will be giving us $20000, already i have 1 quote from key moves for K. do you think $20000 will be enough?

The best will be to take it step by step :)

I agree with you as long as we can just survive, it is already such a privilege knowing we will soon be in OZ!!

This is really a great forum!!

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Its a pleasure to assist.

You will have to ask the company sponsoring you what exactly their contribution will be regarding the relocation. Not all companies assist with this, some only pay for the visas and that is that. You are lucky that they are willing to be so generous.

Furniture removal depends on the size of the container you will be taking - you get 20 and 40 foot containers. The prices vary from R40 000 to R80 000 this also depends on the exchange rate at your time of moving.

Do you have all the paper work together I mentioned because this takes quite a bit of time to collect. You must understand that this all goes through Home Affairs and they are no hurry to help you quickly.


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Here are some links to view properties in the area you are interested, remember to select Buy or Rental, the link under each is where you can get a suburb report::







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Hi Mhonnique

Firstly - congratulations on your husband's job offer! :ilikeit:

Rene has given you the low-down on documentation already - so I won't repeat it!

On the agent thing... It sounds like you are well on your way with a sponsor already - so you shouldn't need one at all.

You need to gather all those documents yourself anyway - so you might as well go for it yourselves, and save the money!

The visa application on a 457 goes through pretty quickly (sometimes in a matter of a few days - literally), as long as you have all the correct documentation.

If you haven't got all those certificates and such, the very first thing you'll need to do is book the IELT, and apply for unabridged certificates - TODAY! Those take the longest to come through...

You may not need the IELT - but my advice is rather do them, and not need them, than need them and not have done them...

You'll need to have done them if you're going to apply for a PR anyway.

So - get going! Best of luck with it all :ilikeit:


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We basically have our passports, :ilikeit: but will definitely start with everything you've mentioned.

About the English test - I read what you wrote to someone, I've been searching the net for a description like that!! (Well Put)

Is it possible to fail this test or have you heard of someone failing? - I must be honest it scares the s#@? out of me.

How much does it cost and where do I make an appointment? I live in Centurion...

I dearly appreciate all your advice THANX!!

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We basically have our passports, :ilikeit: but will definitely start with everything you've mentioned.

About the English test - I read what you wrote to someone, I've been searching the net for a description like that!! (Well Put)

Is it possible to fail this test or have you heard of someone failing? - I must be honest it scares the s#@? out of me.

How much does it cost and where do I make an appointment? I live in Centurion...

I dearly appreciate all your advice THANX!!

Hi Mho

Before you book for IELTS find out if your husband must do the GENERAL OR ACADEMIC . About passing my wife had to the academic one , got an overall pass of 7 BUT SHE GOT 5.5 for one section and failed that section ,so now she has to redo it ( She is a nurse) .Your husband being an engineer might have do the academic version .


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Hi Mho

My husband also received his job offer 6 May 2008. The only outstanding requirement for the visa is the IETLS test. He is writing 6 September 2008. Our medicals are already finalised. I think that the visa will be approved as soon as they receive the IELTS results. Really hoping for the best. From the beginning of our visa process everything just fell into place. So this is definitely a sign I think. It took us 5 weeks for our passports, un a bridge marriage and birth certificates.

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Hi Mho

As Maxi has said, make sure whether your husband needs to do the general or academic IELTS. There is a huge difference. Most of us write the general, which is not that bad, I assume you can fail but its highly impossible. Unless you need the IELTS to qualify for points then you have to get certain points for each section.

Academic is for people with certain degrees or certain types of jobs. They also have to pass on a certain level in each section otherwise they need to do it again.

Contact the Brirtish Council in Johannesburg 011-7184401, or try Filicity 011-7184359 she assisted us with the process.

A pleasure to help we also got a lot of help in the beginning and up to this point still collect information and ideas.



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