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Farming in Australia?

Willem en Luzelle JvR

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My wife(Luzelle) and I (Willem), made the decision to emigrate to Australia. By the looks of things, I might be able to go over on a skilled visa having completed my articles and having a degree in accounting. Both of us have quite a lot of farming in our families and subsequently in our blood. We currently farm with thatch, some cattle, sheep and ostriches in the Southern Cape of South Africa. We are 26 and 24 years of age with no dependents.

We would like to sell some of our property in SA in order to be able to farm in Australia.

Does anybody know of a database or website with 'farms for sale' ?

Where can we enquire about government assistance regarding buying or renting a farm?

Also, if there are farmers out there in Oz reading this post, we would love to hear from you to find out about farming conditions, animals, prices, where you farm and with what etc etc... As well as for what visa you applied to move to Oz.

Willem and Luzelle

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Hi Willem and Luzelle

Farming can be excellent in Australia, if you are in the right area for the right crop or cattle. I would suggest that you get some real expert opinions on what you wish to do where. I work in the cattle industry and we are only just coming out of a five year drought cycle, where so many farmers have sold up or gone bankrupt. Unless you are going to hobby farm, you really need big bucks, as most things need to be mechanised on a farm, labour is scarce and expensive.

If you are interested, I can always ask one of our reps, or my boss, to exchange a few ideas with you. If you are, then send me a PM, set out your questions and I will pass them on for answering. Obviously they are not members of this site so I would need your private email address for them to answer you.

Here are two websites to search for farms for sale.



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Hi, ek bly in Brits in die NW en het heel toevallig u versoek gesien oor grond in Oz om te boer. Ons local koerantjie het vandag verskyn en kan jy glo daarin adverteer iemand grond te koop in Oz. die kontak no. is 083 353 0228. Hoop jy kom hier reg en dat is wat jy soek. Sterkte en groete. Susan

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Wees versigtig vir South Australia, die droogte siklus hier is nog lank nie gebreek nie.



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Droogte en klimaatsverandering (climate change) is 'n probleem in groot dele van Australia. Groot dele van NSW is droogte geteisterd verklaar.

Verder is daar probleme met die beskikbaarheid van rivierwater in besproeingsgebiede.

'n Ander probleem is die kwaliteit van grond (soil quality). In groot dele van Australia is die kwaliteit minder goed en ongeskik vir saaiboerdery.

In die binneland (outback) is plase natuurlik baie groot om sodoende veeteelt in droë dele moontlik te maak.

Ons besit 'n hobby farm tussen Canberra en die kus (Suid-oos NSW) en het reeds verskeie jare probleme met droogtes.

Ons sukkel selfs om plaaslike boomsoorte (native trees) aan die groei te kry.



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