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Fitter and Turner


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My husband did his Trade test for a fitter and turner in 1995. Worked for PMP 10 years as a fitter and Tool setter. He is working as a maintenance fitter for CSIR on contract at this stage.. The only thing we know is that we want to leave SA very soon. We bought tickets for the AustralianExpo08. The immigrating process is very new to us, at least we both have a passport that is it. We would like to get a sponshorship. What is the next step, should I post his CV on the website's? Our kids do not have passports.

This is a very cool website. I wish I had more time to read all the different topics.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Belinda

Is jy Afrikaans of Engels? Ek het inligting as jy belangstel

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Hi Fienie

Ek het ook vriende wat belangstel. Ek het vir jou 'n pm gestuur.



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I can almost guarantee you'll be in Australia, as long as you and your husband are of sound health and good character.

Australia is short of trademen in many areas, and fitter & turner is one of the trades in high demand.

Now . . . . . you have to look at all your options and do what is best for you, your husband and any family you have.

Firstly, you need to do lots of homework in finding out what is available in Australia for your husband's trade, what kind of visa is the best for you to apply for and what is the best way for you to end up in Australia and be able to stay here for the rest of your lives.

It's not much good you going for a visa that gets you here, and settled only to find the economy of Australia goes into recession and you find yourselves out of a job and being put on a plane back to South Africa two or three years from now.

There are some worrying signs on the economic front, not only for Australia but the whole of the Western world economies, with the current oil prices going thro the roof and new economic measures being put in place.

I heard on the news last night that Australia's underlying inflation rate is creeping up which means the Reserve Bank of Australia will have to increase interest rates to combat inflation. This will put a lot of money out of circulation in Australia, pushing the economy into a slow-down.

You have to decide what visa is best to get you into Australia despite all the economic manipulations in the next few months. Of course, if seeing the Australia Expo '08 is your main priority, you may be stuck with a visa that's only temporary.

Keep tuned and get lots of other opinions and facts.

In the meantime, while you're doing all this, get all your passports and birth certificates and any other paper work that is required together so you can send it all on at a moment's notice. It's no good hanging around for three months for a birth cert to be issued, then another four months for the next item, and so on.

Good luck, mate!

Edited by Bob
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Bob and Fienie, thanks a lot. Bob, I have applied for the birth certificates etc..... Must still do the kids passports and deal with a ex-husband. All the information on this forum is very valuable. Thank you all. :thumbdown:

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