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Ex P.E. people living in Melbourne


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Hi All,

We are currently waiting for our 457 visa to be approved as I have accepted a position in Melobourne.

We have lived in Port Elizabeth all our lives and I was wondering if there are any ex PE people currently living in Melbourne and if there are any people in the same boat as we are waiting to leave PE?? We would just like to get an idea of the way of life in Melbourne and to get a feel of what we can expect in our new home.


Brent :ilikeit:

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Hi All,

We are currently waiting for our 457 visa to be approved as I have accepted a position in Melobourne.

We have lived in Port Elizabeth all our lives and I was wondering if there are any ex PE people currently living in Melbourne and if there are any people in the same boat as we are waiting to leave PE?? We would just like to get an idea of the way of life in Melbourne and to get a feel of what we can expect in our new home.


Brent :ilikeit:

Hi Brent,

I was at school in P.E and now live in Melobourne-just kidding ! Its really great here and I have a similar lifestyle to that of PE, albeit a bit cooler. I find it to be a cross US/SA type place and I can still braai, surf, fish etc. Everyone seems to be really into the outdoors and fitness and I am really looking forward to summer because I live about 10 minutes from the bay beaches. The Ozzies are very much like us so I am sure you will fit in quite comfortably, bear in mind its a big city much bigger than PE so theres so much to do.

good luck,


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Hi Brent,

I was at school in P.E and now live in Melobourne-just kidding ! Its really great here and I have a similar lifestyle to that of PE, albeit a bit cooler. I find it to be a cross US/SA type place and I can still braai, surf, fish etc. Everyone seems to be really into the outdoors and fitness and I am really looking forward to summer because I live about 10 minutes from the bay beaches. The Ozzies are very much like us so I am sure you will fit in quite comfortably, bear in mind its a big city much bigger than PE so theres so much to do.

good luck,


HI Jimmi,

Thanks for the reply, is it really that cold there? Everyone keeps telling us that. What is the entertainment like, ie resturants, malls, pubs. If you know PE well the wind always blows here, what is the wind situation in Melbourne? It may sound like a stupid question but being from pe I'm sure you understand where I am coming from.


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HI Jimmi,

Thanks for the reply, is it really that cold there? Everyone keeps telling us that. What is the entertainment like, ie resturants, malls, pubs. If you know PE well the wind always blows here, what is the wind situation in Melbourne? It may sound like a stupid question but being from pe I'm sure you understand where I am coming from.



The weather is like Cape Town and it is windy but I would say less than PE. Its cold but not that bad with all 4 seasons being quite defined the bits in between the seasons it can be variable. when I arrived here in March 08 it was awsome hot hot hot and no wind etc. Going into the city is amazing with so much choice and really pretty and so so first world.Look on 'you tube' under Melbourne and look at a few of the adverts for the city. I had dinner the other night at this place


and it was fantastic I had a huge steak, oysters etc and it was delicious. Funnily enough theres a S.A owned steak house near this place where Ive been before aswell-huge steaks, ribs, biltong etc. I was also a bit concerned about the weather but now that Im hereits not bad at all, I am going to stay here until I get my PR and then look at options elsewhere if required. The one area that does interest me is inbetween Brisbane and Sydney-Port Maquarie Coffs Harbour type places.


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Hi Brent

I'm also from PE, currently living in Sydney but moving to Melbourne end of July. I lived in Melbourne for a year in 2006, then moved back to PE and now back in Australia. I'm looking forward to moving back to Melbourne. The winter is cold, but to be honest, I didn't find it that cold when I was there. And the wind definitely doesn't blow as much as in PE! But then again, the climate is changing so much these days, who knows what changes can happen :ilikeit:

It would be nice to catch up with ex-PE people in Melbourne (and all other South Africans for that matter). If you'd like PM me - I'm happy to give my email address so you can contact me when you're in Melbourne - or before if you have questions!

Good luck with move :) Say hi to PE for me...I do miss it there :(

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Hi Brent

I'm also from PE, currently living in Sydney but moving to Melbourne end of July. I lived in Melbourne for a year in 2006, then moved back to PE and now back in Australia. I'm looking forward to moving back to Melbourne. The winter is cold, but to be honest, I didn't find it that cold when I was there. And the wind definitely doesn't blow as much as in PE! But then again, the climate is changing so much these days, who knows what changes can happen :ilikeit:

It would be nice to catch up with ex-PE people in Melbourne (and all other South Africans for that matter). If you'd like PM me - I'm happy to give my email address so you can contact me when you're in Melbourne - or before if you have questions!

Good luck with move :) Say hi to PE for me...I do miss it there :(

Hi there,

We would be happy to keep in contact, we could use as many people from our little town in our new BIG CITY!! Please tell us more about Melbourne. My wife and i went on a LSD trip in march this year, we spent time in Perth, Adelaide, Sydney, Newcastle and Brisbane and as Murphey's law would have it we never made it to Melbourne yet that is where i've been offered a job.

So as you can imagine we are kinda going into the unknown.

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How funny - that is Murphy's law for sure! When I came to Australia for the first time, I did a very short trip of two weeks - between 1 to 3 days in Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. Of all of them I liked Perth and Melbourne the best. But, I don't think my time spent in each city was enough as I mainly had time to see the "touristy" things....Anyways, I chose Melbourne as it is closer to everything else and Perth is a bit out of the way....

I find Melbourne quite European. There are lots of nice cafe's and restaurants and I think you can find really good food for cheap :( . The parks are lovely and there are quite a few bike paths which is great. One thing I don't like about Melbourne though, are the flies :ilikeit:. I hope there are less of them now! As any big city you can be stuck in traffic, you could have friends that live on the other side of the city to you, parking can be expensive or impossible, and when any big event is on, well, you need to get there early and take public transport. But, that is the same here in Sydney as well, and I'm sure will be for the other cities too. I think the people there are nice, but as any big city expect the "not-so-nice" people and some weird ones! The CBD is really easy to get around as it is a grid and you are never lost for too long! The trams are really nice, but can be a bit of a nuisance when you are stuck behind them on the road. It gets cold in winter, and very hot in summer....my opinion is that it gets hotter than what it gets cold, if that makes sense. If I remember correctly, it is mainly a dry heat,but you can get a few days that will be humid. I prefer dry heat to humidity. It is supposedly the best shopping in Australia. There are really big shopping malls there - Chadstone (which is my favourite), but there are more - I think one in Doncaster has just undergone (or is still?) some renovations and is apparently huge now. The Dandenongs are "mountains" close by and there are nice little towns to drive through, walk around, have a coffee, lunch, etc. There are also some walks. Yarra Valley is where I think there are some wineries, and then the Great Ocean road is also a nice place to go....although, it's nothing "greater" than anything in South Africa! Just my opinion :) I have learned to judge for myself when locals say something is GREAT and you HAVE to see it - don't have your expectations too high as you might just be disappointed....I think SA is more beautiful than Oz, but then, that is not why we are here is it! :whome: Oh, and then Phillip Island is close enough for a day trip - the little penguins are cute!

These are just a few things I can think of...I'm sure some of the other South African Melbournians can add lots to these!!! I for one haven't been able to find any nice beaches close to Melbourne - e.g. close enough to go for a day, like in PE :( I'm sure they must exist and someone on the forum must be able to tell us! :)

I'm sure you are going to enjoy exploring :ilikeit:

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Brent, Jimmi and others...

Glad to see we are not alone from PE... :ilikeit: If my visa goes into my passport as fast as they say it will (TNT picked it up today...):whome:, I should be leaving PE on (or slightly after) the 5th of August heading for Melbourne. :ilikeit: My fiance should be following in a month or two's time after I have "broken the ice" on that side.

It will be lekker to speak to someone from the windy city when we are there and will try to make contact with whoever is interested.

The other day someone that we know from Brisbane area (upon hearing of our imminent move) said that it is so cold in Melbourne and that it is only 15 deg C in Melbourne that day... well PE was 16 deg C that same day and I am sure someone from Durban would have said the same about PE.

I am counting down the seconds...


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  • 2 months later...

Phew ok,... i overlooked this post!!! Thats what happens when you dont visit this great forum as much anymore!!!!

I am from PE originally... was there since i went to std 5 and been in Melbourne 2 years and 3 months now!!!

Cant believe how many PE people are leaving... seemed like we were the only ones back then!!

Anyone wanting to meet up, drop me a PM... maybe we can arrange a PE Melb get together and discuss how much Melb is like PE in some ways!!!

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Howzit catz

I am from PE and will be arriving in Melbourne towards the end of September. I have met quite a few SAaffers through this forum, skype and facebook and it is amazing how everyone is willing to help out, meet at the airport and show you around when you arrive.

There are plenty of "for sale" signs around at the moment and I know quite a few locals who have moved off to Brisbane recently. There are also two other forum members at the moment besides me from PE who are packing up for Oz.

The concerns for our family relate to size and traffic (in PE I regard a red robot as traffic), weather and the normal (obvious) concerns relating to finding a suburb, school etc. It would be great of I could just find another Collegiate Girls with similar values at a similar price.

Still I suppose life's a challenge and we are in for a very exciting time.

Not sure if you guys still have family/ friends out this side? PE (the whole coast) just got battered by a lekker storm and the cold front klapped us on spring tide. JBay was cooking but many coastal properties got bashed around. Check the photies on Radio Algoa website at www.algoafm.co.za.

Regards, Mark

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Hi Mark

Shouldnt you still be asleep now??? LOL i saw the pics on the Herald's site... and couldnt believe my eyes!!! Man it musta been rough. My parents and brother are still there - they in Newton Park, so the weather dont affect them too much!! Man i wanna come home for a visit!!!

Hope to see you in Melbourne soon... and shout if you need help!!

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