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Naarsch: Hi Everyone


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Im learning something from my mom that is computer related! :holy: Mom (Newcomer) has been on the forum for some time.

Im off to Oz with my parents as a student/dependant. We will probably arrive there at the end of '09. At this stage we are headed for Adelaide, but there is still room for minds to change. At the moment I am 2nd year in Industrial Design at UJ, and Im planning to continue my studies in either drafting or makeup artistry. Any info or advice regarding these study fields will be much appreciated.

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Hi Sussa

Dis sooo lekker dat Ma jou nog iets kan leer!!! :holy::) Welkom oppi forum ;)

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Hi Naarch

welcome to the forum!

Don't know much about Industrial Design (I'm a graphic designer) - but I reckon that's an interesting field to be in... and rather in AUs than here. We're a bit verkramp here with our design stuff!

Good luck,


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