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An Amazing Life Down Under

Guest Mauritz

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Guest Mauritz

I'm sitting in a corner tonight - in a 'Blik Huis' (Tin House). I peek through all my books, just above the PC screen and I see my whole life.

In the far corner - the rustic fireplace. Fire is a part of my life, a very important part - the light at the end of the tunnel is another fire, not a train. Just underneath the fireplace - a couple 'driebeen potjies' (3-legged african pots) and a 'platboom' pot (camp oven). - all the way from iAfrica.

In front of the fire - my Wolfhounds and Ridgebacks - all curled up, barking softly and twitching - hunting wolfs in Ireland and lions in Africa. Next to the fireplace - the saddle rack - saddles and bridles hang like they've been there for hundreds of years. I'll never be without horses - ever again.

Just above the saddle rack - the bow rack - my bows & arrows. Hunting is part of my life - I'm part African Bushman, genetically proven (so are you) - I don't care about the other 'parts.' I'm an ethical hunter - taught by the great masters - the African Bushmen themselves.

In the kitchen, I smell Pea & Ham soup - home made, none of this artificial stuff. My kids are ALIVE - one is practicing piano, the other studying Harry Potter and the youngest want to know what 'ancient' means. Mum explains, "So, is granny ancient?", he asks.

I look at my books - Microbiology, Physiology, Karma Sutra, The Liver Cleansing Diet, Horse Nutrition, The Multiple Orgasmic Man, Building a Mud Brick House, Homeopathy, Medical Acupuncture etc. A lekka hoenner pot (chicken camp oven) - 'n bietjie vere (feathers), 'n poepol (Pope's Nose) and a leftover heart.

We came a looooong way in twelve years. We traveled around Aus for a year. I walked the 'other' side - I studied and practiced meditation, Buddhist Philosophy, Alternative Medicine - Herbal Medicine, Chinese Medicine, completed a Science Degree, started a business from scratch - twice, taught martial arts, traveled around Aus, manufactured three kids, train kids, continue to train a wife, bred dogs, bred horses, trained dogs, train horses, learned the art of Tai Chi Chuan, the art of Qi Gong, the art of standing Qi Gong, Yoga. I hunt, I fish, I run, I ride and I talk nonsense. I can build, I can landscape, I can pave, I can weld, I can fence - Jack of all Trades, Master of None.

If I die tomorrow - I'll say thank you to the world - the world owes me nothing, Australia owes me nothing - I owe everything to the world, everything to this country - a country worth dying for. Can I complain about anything???? Can I complain about iAfrica??? My life in Africa was even more amazing - do I owe iAfrica????

What do I know???? Something ........... anything ........... maybe nothing. Life is a learning curve - we need the good and the bad. 'Beproef alles en behou die goeie' (try everything and keep the good) the Bible says. 'Moenie oordeel nie' (don't judge) the Bible says.

Am I doing well??? Can I do more????

I look at life Down Under and I'm a happy man. I don't understand iAfrica - nobody can ever understand iAfrica. A continent with opportunities ..... a continent with wildlife, with millions of people ........ a continent with fertile soil ........ a continent dying of corruption, violence and hunger. How do you understand that????

Today I have a simplistic philosophy - I class people, I judge people - I judge nations and I judge continents. 'Don't judge', the Bible says. I class people in two categories - 'builders' and 'breakers' - there's no middle way. If you don't build, then you're a 'breaker' - finish & klaar.

The land Down Under is a continent of builders - just look at it. You can recognise a "builder's" continent by one factor only - the safety and future of children. Builders value and look after their children. This continent and this nation is a continent for children - that's why I'm here.

What about the continent of iAfrica - the cradle of mankind???? Oh, all the children ........... all the children. We are all different - you must make up your own mind.

Edited by Mauritz
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I enjoy reading your posts...mainly because I sense that even though you are in Australia, one part of you still belong to Africa. I think in a strange way that is how I will feel one day, I desperately want to immigrate, but also, my heart aches for Africa and South Africa. Like you say, a land with potential and fertile soil, yet....hunger and poverty.

Keep on sharing your thoughts. Nice reading.

Keep well


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I look at my books - Microbiology, Physiology, Karma Sutra, The Liver Cleansing Diet, Horse Nutrition, The Multiple Orgasmic Man, Building a Mud Brick House, Homeopathy, Medical Acupuncture etc. A lekka hoenner pot (chicken camp oven) - 'n bietjie vere (feathers), 'n poepol (Pope's Nose) and a leftover heart.

I class people in two categories - 'builders' and 'breakers' - there's no middle way. If you don't build, then you're a 'breaker' - finish & klaar.

Tell me more about that Karma sutra and multi-orgasmic stuff!

Ek like daai judgement - dit rym nogal met my uitkyk op die lewe. Either you build, or you don't.

I've seen a lot of breaking around here. It breaks my heart...

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Guest Mauritz
Tell me more about that Karma sutra and multi-orgasmic stuff!

If it wasn't for the blushing Aunties or the angry KKK (Kaalvoet Klooster Koek Brigade) - I could've said more about the 'terrible, terrible' subject :o

Maybe one day Miss Chardonnay and self will do the honours under 'Health & Wellness' - where it belongs :holy:

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