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Do you think the rest of the world would believe us if we showed them this? :ilikeit:


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Maybe in Thiland they would, we saw a lot of this and they dry their weed leaves on the TV dishes. In the far North near Chaing Mai with 4x4s under a lean2

love the pic. priceless

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You want your back????? :ilikeit:

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:ilikeit::ilikeit: Atleast there is space for a car. Most countries don't have that luxury!!
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...and you'll be just as surprised when you walk into one of these little shacks..... I've been inside a few. Once my husband and I went to drop off some cement at the tea lady from one of our schools (was still a young and naive teacher who wanted to make a change and never thought of crime..... :D ) She and her husband was working for the school and they earned a very poor salary (if I'm not mistaken about R2 200 together). They were living in a sink house, more or less the size of a single garage. I felt so sorry for her, cause she really has a heart of gold and her husband is really decent as well.... but when I got inside......!!!!! There was a big 74cm TV with dvdplayer and big stereo system and their whole house was fully furnished and actually very nicely decorated.... I didn't know if I should be jealous (husband and I had very little and only bought our first TV 4years after we got married, cause we were both still studying and saving a lot) or impressed! My father was also in the furnisher business (note: father, not uncle...) and he also said that they'll come end of year with their bonusses and open accounts and buy whole livingroom and bedroom sets and here by March they "dissappear".....

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I also happened to witness the inside of some low cost housing (being politically correct here). It is true, I've seen more fancy stuff in there than what I have. Also spoke to some previously disadvantaged people and they confirmed this to me. And seemingly there is a big 'rivalry' between Alexandra and Soweto residents on which area's houses are best furnished inside. Needless to say Alexandra is in the lead (probably cause Sandton make for rich pickings).

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why dont they like country music

because when they say hoe down they think their sister got shot :thumbdown::(:P

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