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:) Hi to all you Aus guys, wanna let you know about me and my hubby. For some time now we have been contemplating the MOVE............ The hardest thing for me was what & how to tell the children - Great was my relief to find out that my daughter & family were also working on the same thing, this was so WOW!!!!!!!!!!

We have been married for 9years (both second time around) & I have 3 wonderful children (son in Panama, South America, son & daughter in law in Rtb, have a 9year old grandson & another on the way (in fact tomorrow, 28th is d-day - another boy), then my daughter & son in law (3kiddies), who are shortly immigrating to Aus.

Dupi has 2 boys, 1 married & two grandchildren (boys) al in Rustenburg, North West.

Anyway, Dupi & I are in our 50's, (very young 50's, I dare say). Dupi 51 & me slightly older & we were worried that this would be a no-no........ Then someone told us about the Visa457 & sponsorship. We actually prayed about this & KNOW that we will get a sponsor - Dupi is a Safety Health Environmental & Quality Advisor with great experience & expertise & has been with mines most of his life, but obviously can also do the Construction, Gas & Oil, Petroleum or any of these larger industries.

We are also currently in Rustenburg

We have applied for the unabridged Birth & Marriage certificates, but do not want to do IELTS & Police Clearance before we actually have a sponsor as these expire within a certain time.

So we are excited at the prospect - We very much like Queensland, South Aus, NSW, Victoria & the Northern Territory.

We would love to meet friends on the forum & specially guys in our age group that also came right with Visa 457.

We love the outdoors, camping, fishing, dancing, music & riding our tandem. We are extremely young at heart & live life to the fullest.

Now you have an earful & hope that we will meet guys that cannot only assist us (thanx by the way, forum is GREAAAAAAAAAAAAAT...., but also get to meet new friends.

Al the best from a very very hot Rustenburg


Benita & Dupi :ilikeit:

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Hi and welcome.

I am also very new to the forum and can offer 1 tip.

As you can see from my posts I am running around trying to orginize a IELTS test in PE. WHY. Got the job and the sponser on 457 but could only get a IELTS date in May. If you make a booking today you will get a test date in Late August or September. So many people are trying to get a 457 sponsor so when you get it you don't want to loose it again just because you can only do the test in 6-7 months time.

TIP: Make a booking NOW. When you get a sponsor at least you have a booking. If you get close to your booking date (5 weeks before date) and you don't have a sponsor yet, you can cancel and get a full refund.

If I could start all over again, I would have made the booking the day I decided to start looking at Australia.

Good luck and happy hunting.

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Hi Benita,

Welcome to the forum, ya gonna have fun!!!

We're not quite in our 50's yet but getting there fast!! LOL!!

JayJay is someone you can get in touch with and I believe Henriette is in a similar line of work as Dupi. The mines are a fabulous point to start looking.

Good luck, and by the way book those IELTS now!!


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Hi Benita

Welcome, hope you find many answers here!

Just one word of advice, please check with a qualified immigration consultant about using a 457 to get into Australia, as you may still have a problem with your age, applying for PR, after you are here. To my knowledge, you would have to get your company to sponsor you, and they would also have to prove that your job is so specialised that there is nobody younger to do it. I may be wrong, but PLEASE check this by sending a PM to either 'fiona', 'customeyes' or 'ptlabs' on this forum, they are all registered consultants for immigration.

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Hi and welcome.

I am also very new to the forum and can offer 1 tip.

As you can see from my posts I am running around trying to orginize a IELTS test in PE. WHY. Got the job and the sponser on 457 but could only get a IELTS date in May. If you make a booking today you will get a test date in Late August or September. So many people are trying to get a 457 sponsor so when you get it you don't want to loose it again just because you can only do the test in 6-7 months time.

TIP: Make a booking NOW. When you get a sponsor at least you have a booking. If you get close to your booking date (5 weeks before date) and you don't have a sponsor yet, you can cancel and get a full refund.

If I could start all over again, I would have made the booking the day I decided to start looking at Australia.

Good luck and happy hunting.

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Welcome to the forum Benita. Im also a newbie.

Rule number one. Ask as many questions as you like. The people on this forum have a wealth of knowledge to impart and you can only benefit from that.

If you don't mind me asking, does your hubby, Dupi have any IRCA SHEQ qualifications. My husband is in the same field as Dupi and we have been stalling the immigration process because we told we would have to have some form of completed qualification. In my husband's case, his SHEQ diploma, which he has not completed. I haven't completed my studies yet, which is also a concern, but I have since being told that this wouldn't be too problematic provided I have extensive experience, which I do. In Dupi's case it would seem that he does all the experience.

If you like, you could give Ros a call at Aussie Migrant (Agents) on 033 3470260 and they will give you a free assessment (no obligation to use them thereafter). Ive just sent through my husband's cv in Oz format and it is now with their MARA agent in Brisbane. We hoping to get an answer in a couple of days time.

Cheers !

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:ilikeit: Hi, guys and specially to Nic Nilo & Mara for your advice & replies.

Nic, I read your IELTS recommendation, we in fact were in Windhoek over the weekend (my daughter got an appointment there & did her test there) - we are in the fortunate position of having family there as both Dupi & I come from Namibia - but it gets rather costly if you talk plane ticket, accommodation & then the cost of the test. But I think long-term your suggestion is better, so I will do just that & book. Where are you guys relocating to? And what type of job are you into?

Mara, I definitely take note & will contact the immigration consultants that you suggest - Thanx for the tip. You guys are doing a great job on the Forum. If I am correct your are from Melbourne, nè? What do you guys do & where you from originally?

Nilo, great meeting you, where you guys from? Let me tell you, I thought hitting the 40's was good, but I cannot begin to tell you how great the 50's are, you know these days 50's are 40-ish & 40 30-ish, but I can assure you - I run races with my grandkidz & Dupi & I exercise, ride tandem & in my heart I will always be 18 (but love the "wysheid saam met die grysheid").

I am going to see if I can get hold of JayJay and Henriette - Thanx for your input

Have a lovely evening (by you), here it is another 36degree day, fortunately the pool is close by and I can just fall into it when the going gets tough (lol)

Keep well


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Hi Benita,

Ons is in Brisbane. Ek stem oor die wysheid kom met die grysheid!! Ek hou van oud word juis daar oor!!

Het nog nie klein kinders nie maar wel 2 wat al getroud is. Hulle is obviously nie so haastig soos hulle ouers was nie!! LOL!!

Anyhow hoop alles gaan goed en julle is sommer gou gou in AUs.

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Welcome to the forum Benita. Im also a newbie.

Rule number one. Ask as many questions as you like. The people on this forum have a wealth of knowledge to impart and you can only benefit from that.

If you don't mind me asking, does your hubby, Dupi have any IRCA SHEQ qualifications. My husband is in the same field as Dupi and we have been stalling the immigration process because we told we would have to have some form of completed qualification. In my husband's case, his SHEQ diploma, which he has not completed. I haven't completed my studies yet, which is also a concern, but I have since being told that this wouldn't be too problematic provided I have extensive experience, which I do. In Dupi's case it would seem that he does all the experience.

If you like, you could give Ros a call at Aussie Migrant (Agents) on 033 3470260 and they will give you a free assessment (no obligation to use them thereafter). Ive just sent through my husband's cv in Oz format and it is now with their MARA agent in Brisbane. We hoping to get an answer in a couple of days time.

Cheers !

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Hi, this is great, thanx so much for tel number, will immediately follow up. The thing that really boggles me is when you talk about CV in Oz format - Please explain to me how this is done????

Yes, Dupi was relief SHEQ Manager at Rustenburg Platinum Mine (Anglo) & also Loss Controll Co-ordinator, he has all the necessary like SAMTRAC, COMSOC etc & apart from years of experience & skilled expertise he is also a Paramedic (MECA - Medical Rescue International) We were actually wondering whether he should do this Certificate IV in Workplace Assessing & Training in the meantime, but feel that he should wait until he in fact has a sponsor.

Please Laleesa, if you could let me know about the CV in Oz format or anybody out there.


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