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Guest natalie3

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Guest natalie3

Hi all..i did make an earlier post but dont know how long it takes to show..

We saw the immigration agent today ..migrate to oz (im a very sceptical person..but i liked them)..so time will tell

We applied for passports,marriage cert etc 2 weeks ago ..but i forgot hubby's birth cert so ill apply for that monday..im soo excited,,but realistic..this is going to take a long time..im hoping we will be gone by june 2009..any tips?..i just hope we chose the right agent and that our house sells quickly..and since im jobless...for 6 months now (i have a law degree ..LLB) we need to save...soo much to talk about...how much money is enough...we will have around $100 000 after we paid all the costs incolved...im stressing..but also cant believe this is actually happening!

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You've got lots to do still so just take it one step at a time!! Thats all you can do!! And ....... patiently wait!!!!

$100 000 in my view would be a lovely amount to start off with. Keep some one side for a deposit on a house and have fun with the rest!!

Good luck


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Hello and welcome! :D

I'm going through Migrate2Oz too, and have been very happy with them. I have dealt with Ray, Reuven and Monica so far, and they have all been wonderful.

All the best with your adventure!


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We also used Migrate2Oz and received our visas on 8 Feb (also my 5 year anniversary!) No problems with them at all. They seem to know what they are doing.

$100 000! That is about 100 times more than what we are going over on. Ok maybe not 100 times, but much more. You will definately survive on that.

You said you forgot hubby's birth certificate application. Hope you applied for yours and any kids too. You all need. What visa are going on? That determines the time frame alot. If it's PR - it takes 9 - 18 months. Ours took 11 months from start to finish.

Good luck and shout if you need anything.

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Hi Natalie

welcome - we also used migrate2oz and so far have been very happy with the service we have recieved from them, they where the second immigration agent we went to and Ray's honestly and integrity is what stood out for me. they have all been very helpful and and more than willing to answer all my questions... no matter how dumb some of them have been!

we are applying for the 175 visa and submitted the application in December - the waiting is turning out to be more unbearable than telling the family so good luck.

our house is sold and we currently living with my folks which is turning out to be quite testing but aleast the house is sold and we ready to go when the visa's come through. we are also only going over with just over R100 000- so i also hope it will be sufficient - especially because we going with no jobs (although my husband has been offered a contracting position until he finds permanent employment)

anyway i wish you all the best with your application and sale of the house - i pray it all goes as smoothly as it has gone for us... this far!


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Guest natalie3

Thank you to all who replied!

We are applying for PR. Yes..i have my baby's full birth certif and mine...just forgot hubby's..

My hubby will write the test as soon as passports arrive ..we figured a trip to windhoek to write the test will be worth the money.

Does anyone know who to phone to book the english test?..here in SA or in windhoek?

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Does anyone know who to phone to book the english test?..here in SA or in windhoek?

For Johannesburg tests, you can try phoning Betty Tabane on 011 718 4360.

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Guest natalie3

We also used Migrate2Oz and received our visas on 8 Feb (also my 5 year anniversary!) No problems with them at all. They seem to know what they are doing.

$100 000! That is about 100 times more than what we are going over on. Ok maybe not 100 times, but much more. You will definately survive on that.

You said you forgot hubby's birth certificate application. Hope you applied for yours and any kids too. You all need. What visa are going on? That determines the time frame alot. If it's PR - it takes 9 - 18 months. Ours took 11 months from start to finish.

Good luck and shout if you need anything.

Thanks dol... :ilikeit: didnt realise $100 000 would go a long way in aus...i feel like im taking the least cash over when i look at my friends that want to go,,,hubby is in IT, so hopefully hell get a job quickly when we arrive (if he doesnt get one before we go)..i hope the aussies are as friendly as people say they are..because i love a good chin-wag!

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Guest natalie3
Hi Natalie

welcome - we also used migrate2oz and so far have been very happy with the service we have recieved from them, they where the second immigration agent we went to and Ray's honestly and integrity is what stood out for me. they have all been very helpful and and more than willing to answer all my questions... no matter how dumb some of them have been!

we are applying for the 175 visa and submitted the application in December - the waiting is turning out to be more unbearable than telling the family so good luck.

our house is sold and we currently living with my folks which is turning out to be quite testing but aleast the house is sold and we ready to go when the visa's come through. we are also only going over with just over R100 000- so i also hope it will be sufficient - especially because we going with no jobs (although my husband has been offered a contracting position until he finds permanent employment)

anyway i wish you all the best with your application and sale of the house - i pray it all goes as smoothly as it has gone for us... this far!


Im sure it will be fine ...dont stress,,if u have the skills u will get a good job from what i hear..how did the extended family/inlaws take the big news?..i told mine and they seem ok with it, not sure how they will react when we sell the house though..because i dont think they realise we r serious

..my parents have been begging me to get out of here since i fell pregs...im in the law and the stuff ive seen is serously disturbing so it wasnt hard for me to make up my mind..hubby took some convincing as he has a good job..i on the otherhand have been unemployed /jobhunting for 6 months!

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Im sure it will be fine ...dont stress,,if u have the skills u will get a good job from what i hear..how did the extended family/inlaws take the big news?..i told mine and they seem ok with it, not sure how they will react when we sell the house though..because i dont think they realise we r serious

..my parents have been begging me to get out of here since i fell pregs...im in the law and the stuff ive seen is serously disturbing so it wasnt hard for me to make up my mind..hubby took some convincing as he has a good job..i on the otherhand have been unemployed /jobhunting for 6 months!

the inlaws took the news well - they have travelled extensively and lived oversea. My mom (who has only been on a plane once in her life for her honeymoon to Zambi) cried for days and my dad is only now beginning to accept that we going (4months later) I have to give them credit in the fact they have admitted that we probably doing the right thing, but they both a bit hurt that we will be "breaking" up the family. My mom is also commented that we stealing her grandchildren away from her - we where meant to start trying this year but are going to wait until we there and settled. time will heal and we'll all survive, it is just trying at the moment.

we where lucky that we sold our house before we told anyone, so they all thought we where looking for a new house to start a family, but this is something we want to do and i think it will be good for us to experience life and what there is to offer in the big wide world

where in Aus are you hoping to settle?

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Guest natalie3
the inlaws took the news well - they have travelled extensively and lived oversea. My mom (who has only been on a plane once in her life for her honeymoon to Zambi) cried for days and my dad is only now beginning to accept that we going (4months later) I have to give them credit in the fact they have admitted that we probably doing the right thing, but they both a bit hurt that we will be "breaking" up the family. My mom is also commented that we stealing her grandchildren away from her - we where meant to start trying this year but are going to wait until we there and settled. time will heal and we'll all survive, it is just trying at the moment.

we where lucky that we sold our house before we told anyone, so they all thought we where looking for a new house to start a family, but this is something we want to do and i think it will be good for us to experience life and what there is to offer in the big wide world

where in Aus are you hoping to settle?

Shame..it is hard for the folks...when u have a baby u will understand the love for us even better..

Tell her there are planes,trains and automobiles ..as well as BIG ships that take people from continent to continent..and that once a year they can visit..organise them skype and a webcam..show them how to use it,,,it will really help..

I told everyone we r leaving a months ago...i figured the longer they have to deal with it the better...and babies will only reaffirm the decision to leave (i have 1 little girl..nika.turning 1 next week) and she sealed the deal for me..

we are hoping for perth but will only know once hubby gets a job..so brisbane is also an option...still investigating these cities...where u guys off to?

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we also told them right in the beginning we also thought the longer they have to deal with it the better - we have had doubts about this though, as now the only thing people seem to be able to talk about around us is the move - oh well we should appreciate we have people to talk to and who care.

we are heading for Brisbane, melbourne is an option as we have friends there but we would like to give Brisbane a shot first. Hoping to be there by mid year!

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Guest natalie3
we also told them right in the beginning we also thought the longer they have to deal with it the better - we have had doubts about this though, as now the only thing people seem to be able to talk about around us is the move - oh well we should appreciate we have people to talk to and who care.

we are heading for Brisbane, melbourne is an option as we have friends there but we would like to give Brisbane a shot first. Hoping to be there by mid year!

Wow,,seems u are way ahead of us in the whole process...

Ilove this forum because hubby gets annoyed if i talk about the big move too much..but im soooo excited i just cant help myself!

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Wow,,seems u are way ahead of us in the whole process...

I love this forum because hubby gets annoyed if i talk about the big move too much..but im soooo excited i just cant help myself!

Welcome here.... I think most of us are addicts here! It is really nice to have someone to talk about this whole process, because it is exciting! And our families don't want to talk about it too much... I assume they don't like the idea of us emigrating! I am going to start a blog on our website, because I find it very difficult to contain my excitement!!

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Guest natalie3
Welcome here.... I think most of us are addicts here! It is really nice to have someone to talk about this whole process, because it is exciting! And our families don't want to talk about it too much... I assume they don't like the idea of us emigrating! I am going to start a blog on our website, because I find it very difficult to contain my excitement!!

Hello again..

Glad to see im not alone in this..i often wonder if im in the minority who want to leave...inlaws were a bit shocked i think...got all religious on me and saying "im not saying you mustnt go..just dont be so negative...God is in charge"...now what does that mean?...of course im negative...about south africa..cant get a job..not safe..corruption etc etc ..now i am believer and all that..but why "soek"...i feel if i stay in sa i am asking for something to happen...

Just wondering if your reasons for leaving are similar ..or if im just too sensitive?

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