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I'm new too - help pleeeeease


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Hi Everyone

Thanks for an amazing forum - I have just jumped into someone elses topic and asked Mara some questions but just realised I need to put my own topic on, slowly learning how this all works but very very happy to be a part of it. All your info and comments have really motivated me but now wow the work starts with getting this process of the ground and I have no clue where to start. Is there a list that has step by step guidelines of what to do when. I don't want to re-invent the wheel. I have been going through the forum for some time now and am aware that I am applying for a 175 skilled visa, which I want to attempt myself on line. But what now. There is so much talk about IELTS tests, I am not worried about doing the test but where do you book, who do you contact etc etc. I have been on the immigration website but maybe not extensively enough.

I am a Travel Agent but also a qualified Hairdresser, with a trade test certificate, I am planning to move alone with my two little people (4 & 6 years old) so I hope to get a job that can allow me the time to be with them and pay the bills. There is alot of talk of flexitime or working school hours, do you think this would apply in my profession in Oz.

I have been to Australia on 4 occassion sometimes for 3 months stays other times for 3 week holidays and have been to Perth and then toured up the east coast from Melbourne to Cairns - what an amazing country I feel it in my blood.

Well thats me for now, will meet all you lovely people along the way, thanks again for an amazing forum


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Hi and welcome. Its a long, hard and emotional journey but together we will do it. As for the ielts, I see you in East London. There are only three venues in South Africa, JHB CT and DBN. You book through the Bristish Council website - http://www.britishcouncil.org/africa-exams...ink-exams-ielts.

Is there a list that has step by step guidelines of what to do when

Yes try here: http://www.saaustralia.org/index.php?showtopic=9251

Best of luck for the application.

Edited by Jordy
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:ilikeit: Welcome to the Forum :holy:

You are in for a lot of reading. To start off, go to the Immigration section of the forum, there you will find a General section and an Application Section, under these two headings you will basically find all the info you need (and some more) regarding skills assessments and the actual application for the visa.

It is a big step to go over alone, and more so with little one's but I do believe it is for them mostly that you want to go, and that will carry you through the difficult spots.

As for choosing where to go to in Auz, do you have family or friends somewhere in Auz? Might be easier to settle if there are at least one familiar adult face around!!! :ilikeit:

All the best for the journey ahead!

:ilikeit: Maria

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Hello and welcome! :ilikeit:

I see Jordy has answered your IELTS test questions, and his 100 step list is very useful.

I look forward to seeing you around on the forums!


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Hi Everyone

Thanks for an amazing forum - I have just jumped into someone elses topic and asked Mara some questions but just realised I need to put my own topic on, slowly learning how this all works but very very happy to be a part of it. All your info and comments have really motivated me but now wow the work starts with getting this process of the ground and I have no clue where to start. Is there a list that has step by step guidelines of what to do when. I don't want to re-invent the wheel. I have been going through the forum for some time now and am aware that I am applying for a 175 skilled visa, which I want to attempt myself on line. But what now. There is so much talk about IELTS tests, I am not worried about doing the test but where do you book, who do you contact etc etc. I have been on the immigration website but maybe not extensively enough.

I am a Travel Agent but also a qualified Hairdresser, with a trade test certificate, I am planning to move alone with my two little people (4 & 6 years old) so I hope to get a job that can allow me the time to be with them and pay the bills. There is alot of talk of flexitime or working school hours, do you think this would apply in my profession in Oz.

I have been to Australia on 4 occassion sometimes for 3 months stays other times for 3 week holidays and have been to Perth and then toured up the east coast from Melbourne to Cairns - what an amazing country I feel it in my blood.

Well thats me for now, will meet all you lovely people along the way, thanks again for an amazing forum


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:lol::whome: Hi, I feel like a bit of an idiot - but I have to ask this otherwise I am never going to get going on this site. How do you post a new message so that generally people can answer it?

Confused Lynn

Hi Everyone

Thanks for an amazing forum - I have just jumped into someone elses topic and asked Mara some questions but just realised I need to put my own topic on, slowly learning how this all works but very very happy to be a part of it. All your info and comments have really motivated me but now wow the work starts with getting this process of the ground and I have no clue where to start. Is there a list that has step by step guidelines of what to do when. I don't want to re-invent the wheel. I have been going through the forum for some time now and am aware that I am applying for a 175 skilled visa, which I want to attempt myself on line. But what now. There is so much talk about IELTS tests, I am not worried about doing the test but where do you book, who do you contact etc etc. I have been on the immigration website but maybe not extensively enough.

I am a Travel Agent but also a qualified Hairdresser, with a trade test certificate, I am planning to move alone with my two little people (4 & 6 years old) so I hope to get a job that can allow me the time to be with them and pay the bills. There is alot of talk of flexitime or working school hours, do you think this would apply in my profession in Oz.

I have been to Australia on 4 occassion sometimes for 3 months stays other times for 3 week holidays and have been to Perth and then toured up the east coast from Melbourne to Cairns - what an amazing country I feel it in my blood.

Well thats me for now, will meet all you lovely people along the way, thanks again for an amazing forum


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Hi Lynn

Don't feel confused I was as well. Contact Dedrei Brümmer [dedrei@saaustralia.org] who will activate your membership. Then choose which forum you want to be in, I starte din Foyer, then choose the New Topic tab in the top ight hand side and off you go. Then you are up and running and can chat to these wonderful helpful people on this forum.

Good luck

Cheers Lee

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Hi and welcome. Its a long, hard and emotional journey but together we will do it. As for the ielts, I see you in East London. There are only three venues in South Africa, JHB CT and DBN. You book through the Bristish Council website - http://www.britishcouncil.org/africa-exams...ink-exams-ielts.

Yes try here: http://www.saaustralia.org/index.php?showtopic=9251

Best of luck for the application.

Hi Jordy

Thanks a mill, I am not fooling myself as to what is ahead, so I am just so thankful to have your guys with me along the way.

Thanks for the list.

Cheers for now

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:) Welcome to the Forum :)

You are in for a lot of reading. To start off, go to the Immigration section of the forum, there you will find a General section and an Application Section, under these two headings you will basically find all the info you need (and some more) regarding skills assessments and the actual application for the visa.

It is a big step to go over alone, and more so with little one's but I do believe it is for them mostly that you want to go, and that will carry you through the difficult spots.

As for choosing where to go to in Auz, do you have family or friends somewhere in Auz? Might be easier to settle if there are at least one familiar adult face around!!! :)

All the best for the journey ahead!

:holy: Maria

Hi Maria

Thanks for this, yes I do have a close family friend who lives in Normanhurst (Hills), Sydney - so I would start my journey there, just so that I have someone familiar to turn to. Who knows I love it and stay or later once used to the Oz way of life move to a smaller town, I love Port Stephens, Noosa but one step at a time and Sydney will be it, just so that I have some support to start. So those of you out there who are in Sydney once I have finished this whole process I will be calling on all of you.

Cheers for now Lee

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