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Just a Hi to all you lovely people.

Started getting addicted to the Forum last month, Hubby insist that at the rate I am spending bandwith on this Forum, we are going nowhere. :ilikeit: Ghei-Ghie-Ghie

Got introduced to the Forum by other emplyees in the company I work for that are emmigrating aswell. Love the Forum and the caring people on it. Very excited about our decision to go.

Biggest obstacle still: :ilikeit:

1)Where to live in AusieLand?

2)Container or Nothing

3)How to get the family to understand

4)Praying for less loadshedding in PTA, so doc's can go faster

5)Time time and time

Thank you for being there for us!


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Hi Stranded

Welcome to "The Forum"!! Adictive nahh you not serious!!

As for all your questions, that's what every one has to decide upon!!

Good luck


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Thanks for the Welcome Nilo, yip atleast the Forum helps alot. Love the pictures of the diff places on the LSD trips, gives one a better picture! :ilikeit:

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Hello and welcome! :)

These forums are a great way to relieve the tension during the long wait. :ilikeit:

All the best,


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Hi there & Welcome,

Here's lots and lots to read, and all will be helpful. Spend some time and you'll see most questions will be covered by current topics. But you're always welcome to ask when your application gets complicated.

All the best - Enjoy.

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Thank You Sooo much, So excited, want the process done now, but then also want to gather as much info as I can!!! :D

Speak soon again


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Hi Stranded

Welcome to the greatest addiction, it is a long slog but I am sure well worth it as so many can say


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2)Container or Nothing

we were going for the exclusive use container but Nilo made a good arguement that convinced us otherwise.

I will make a post about it seperately but we are taking half a 20ft in what is called groupage. This will be all our sentemental stuff that we must have like photos etc. Then with the money we saving by taking only half, we going to buy stuff. A full container is A$8000, a half is A$4000. So basically we are dumping our beds, lounge suite, wall unit, etc and buying new.

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Jordy, I believe that with the amount of people moving to Aus and the forum you could arrange with a forum family to share. Might get your container over faster.

How ya going mate, haven't skyped for ages!!

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