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Aussie heading back to OZ...


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Hello everyone,

Well, i've been here (South Africa) for quite a few years now, over 10, have a SA wife and kids were also born in SA. I'm a born and bred Aussie. Time has come to head back home.. I/we was always going to head back, its just going to be a little sooner than expected.

The kids will get aussie citizenship here in SA, and then well just follow the procedure to get my other half into OZ, wont be to difficult. I've got all the forms already (came to decision 5 days ago) , and must say that the people at http://www.australia.co.za/ have been very helpful. I emailed them with my query on Monday, and tuesday they replied with all forms, info etc.

Anyway, so our process has started, and in time we will be on a plane back to my beautiful country.

So, as i have been away from 'home' for many years, i'll need to sharpen up on whats-what down under, and particularly because i'm moving to another state, other than where i grew up. I'll need help from this forum just like everyone else.

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Hi Choog

You'll probably be there sooner than any of us. Makes me green! :) Good luck with all your arrangements.



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Hello everyone,

Well, i've been here (South Africa) for quite a few years now, over 10, have a SA wife and kids were also born in SA. I'm a born and bred Aussie. Time has come to head back home.. I/we was always going to head back, its just going to be a little sooner than expected.

The kids will get aussie citizenship here in SA, and then well just follow the procedure to get my other half into OZ, wont be to difficult. I've got all the forms already (came to decision 5 days ago) , and must say that the people at http://www.australia.co.za/ have been very helpful. I emailed them with my query on Monday, and tuesday they replied with all forms, info etc.

Anyway, so our process has started, and in time we will be on a plane back to my beautiful country.

So, as i have been away from 'home' for many years, i'll need to sharpen up on whats-what down under, and particularly because i'm moving to another state, other than where i grew up. I'll need help from this forum just like everyone else.

welcome Mate ! hope your transition back home is a smooth one, post-5391-1202402444.gif

and yes our country is beautiful post-5391-1202402444.gif

Edited by NorCalAussie
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I'm also jealous!!

Welcome to the family. Hope your process goes smoother and quicker than most of ours! :)

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Which part of Australia are you from, mate? . . . . . and what part are you choofing off to?

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Hi chooq!

Good luck! On this forum you will find much more than advise. The support is wonderful!


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Welcome & good luck!

I think your process will be alot quicker & smoother than ours.

Where are you in RSA?

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Hey Choog

What has made you want to go back to your home country? How do you family feel about it?

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Well, my folks dont know yet, i'll wait a little while before telling them. Mum will be over the moooon.

And so my other half has always wanted to go to OZ, so thats great.. As for the children, thats something i'll need to work out how to tell them. My eldest will be close on 9 when we go - What do i tell him? Thats something i'll be looking for advice on.

Family here in SA (thats my other halfs family), they kinda getting itchy feet, so we will see what they do. But they are very happy and supportive for us to go.

You know, i've always wanted to go back, it wasnt even questionable, it was just a matter of when. A little sooner than i expected, but cant actually wait to go back to my home.

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Hi Choog

A very well decision you have made. Good luck and God Bless. :lol:

Tata Alicia

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Mate, just keep in mind you're in for a rude shock if you look at the price of property in Australia now...

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Mate, just keep in mind you're in for a rude shock if you look at the price of property in Australia now...

Yes Price of Property has gone up. We have a new government in now. You can still go for a walk in the evening and leave your front door unlocked. You can even walk around with jewelry on or drive around with your windows down. We have a national ban on Automatic weapons. Probably only a small percentage (under 1%) of our authorities are corrupt, the barrier reef is still here and everyone is still really laid back and friendly.

Welcome back to Australia!

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I realise housing prices have gone up quite a bit, but dont care actually - i just do what i have to do and get on with my aussie life.

Brooange said it well.

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My 9 year old daughter is a fearless little one, and when I told her she jumped up and down with excitement! What an adventure!! While my 7 year old was in tears "No I won't go Mommy!! I'm scared!" Her feelings about everything did improve somewhat when we said we want to live near the sea, though! I reckon the more time the kids have to get used to the idea, the better.

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My 9 year old daughter is a fearless little one, and when I told her she jumped up and down with excitement! What an adventure!! While my 7 year old was in tears "No I won't go Mommy!! I'm scared!" Her feelings about everything did improve somewhat when we said we want to live near the sea, though! I reckon the more time the kids have to get used to the idea, the better.

Kids are quite adaptable when it comes to moves, a lot of our friends who have come over had more issues with the teenagers than the young ones, Better to make the move early, especially when school is concerned, much easier to adapt at a younger age.

Good Luck

(PS maybe look for a penpal for your daughter in Oz in are where you are planning to settle this might make the transition easier if she gets to know someone her own age before you come over.)

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I realise housing prices have gone up quite a bit, but dont care actually - i just do what i have to do and get on with my aussie life.

Brooange said it well.

I agree completely, you must come back, I didn't want to discourage you at all. Just be prepared. We bought a piece of dirt for $52000 in 2002, now similar blocks across the road are selling for over $250000. Builders are now averaging $1300-1500 per square metre for a house with half decent finishes, we built for $650.

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