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Confused regarding docs needed for 457

Le Grange 'ies

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:ilikeit: Hi new to the forum

Following the fact that both my wife and I have both got offers of employment in writing from two companies in Perth we are actively going to put in a 457 application. The company employing me will be sponsering us.

Please could someone advise us whether we still need unabridged birth and Marriage certificates? The folowing checklist from the Aus Government site is confusing as it does not mention the unabridged birth and Marriage certificates. Also whats up regarding police and defence force clearances needed for the 457. I have read conflicting info on the Forum?

See: Form 1066 Application for a Temporary Business (Long Stay) visa (Subclass 457) (140KB PDF file)

Documents and information the employee needs to provide.

Certified copy of passport.

Certified copies of family members' passports.

Certified copy of marriage certificate or other evidence of defacto relationship.

Certified copies of birth certificates (for dependent children only).

Fantastic Forum Thank You

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Hi there and welcome

We are also going to Perth on a 457. What we sent to the agent was the following: the marriage certificate you get from the person who performs the ceremony. We sent in no birth certificates at all - the agent sent in a late registration of birth form with our application (not sure how this works, but like I say no actual birth certificates required)

Also we needed no police clearance, don't know about defence force.

However, we will need unabridged docs plus clearance anyway as we plan to apply for PR.

Hope this helps and everything goes smoothly :ilikeit:

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Let me explain about unabridged birth certificates - in most countries overseas, unabridged birth certificates are the norm, that is what you get when you apply for one - not the abridged kind that they issue you with in SA. So.......in all probability the Aus government would not state that it must be unabridged, because they do not expect to get an abridged version.

About the defence force clearance - if all you did was do your compulsory military training.... then under the latest changes you DO NOT require a clearance.

The rest I don't know about!

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Hi sueb and mara

Thank you so much for your prompt replies, Looks like I will be able to do my application as soon as I get the needed accademic transcripts and references.

What a pleasure

Best Regards

Mark and Rindra

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Hi there

We did our 457 2 years ago and we didn't need unabridged certificates for ourselves although we did have them but we did need unabridged for our children. We didn't need medicals only x rays but the kids needed medicals and not x rays. We didn't need police clearance but we did have to fill in the character something or other form and the company a bank did a background check on their own as my hubby was working in the security fraud division it was probably important to them don't know if it is the norm though.

No harm in ordering the certificates though cause you will need them when you do your PR.

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Dear SueB,

could u please let me know when u applied for your visa, whether u certified your document copies (for example your passport copy or degree) or it's enough to just scan and attach the documents.

Tanx in advance.


Hi there and welcome

We are also going to Perth on a 457. What we sent to the agent was the following: the marriage certificate you get from the person who performs the ceremony. We sent in no birth certificates at all - the agent sent in a late registration of birth form with our application (not sure how this works, but like I say no actual birth certificates required)

Also we needed no police clearance, don't know about defence force.

However, we will need unabridged docs plus clearance anyway as we plan to apply for PR.

Hope this helps and everything goes smoothly :)

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Hi Mhmd

Yes we scanned certified copies of our passports and degree certificates and then sent them via email to the agent in Australia. Check my signature for dates and let me know if you need more info (although I can only tell about how we did things) :blink:

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I did not certify any of the copies of my documents. I simply scanned the originals and attached them to my e457 application. Visa was approved without the need to provide certified copies. This might depend on your Case Officer though, I'm just telling you what worked for me.

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