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Recruitment websites IT Jobs.


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Hi All,

I have been googling around and have found plenty of IT recruitment websites but almost all of the jobs posted there are only for candidates who already have citizenship.

Anyone know of any other websites or should i just go ahead and randomly submit my CV and see what happens ?

Thanks. Dot

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I've always found that the sites say must have resedency.

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There aren't specific non-resident websites that I am aware of. However, I recommend that you submit your resume for any job which looks suited to your skills and attach a cover letter explaining that you require sponsorship. The part about needing visas etc at the bottom of all the ads is hard coded in and employers can't change it. Focus on end employers as much as possible as well as you can enter into a personal discussion with them about sponsorship, whereas with recruiters, you need to remember that they get paid for filling the role and they have targets to make. Having a candidate half way across the world, sho has the complication of needing a visa, tends to make them overlook you. But just keep at it!



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Hi there

As Ajay said you need to email the recruitment companies and companies direct. Be honest upfront say you are looking for sponsorship and can move asap and attach your cv. Be patient, we eventually got a job and we had many replies.

Here is a link to a company that I know is recruiting, not sure what you do though.


Good Luck

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