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Hi all

I've already put a few posts on this forum, without actually checking the forum rules. I noticed, with some chagrin, that I should have introduced myself first. Apologies all round :holy: .......and let me try and set that right.

Accountant by profession, live in Pretoria. Married with a 3-year old boy. Wife is a medical scientist and works at UP.

Looking to move to Perth on a 457 (just been offered a job) and apply for PR in due course.

Would appreciate suggestions/advice from people living in Perth on areas to live/schools, that sort of thing. I'll be working in Joondalup, so would probably look to live in/around there. Am I correct in thinking that Edith Cowan University is in that part of Perth?

Ok, dunno if anything else needed.....Hope everyone has a fabulous 2008!

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Welcome to forum ronfire.

You have come to the right place. When you start reading thru, it's like you have already kept a foot in Oz. I know of Charted accountants whom have got there PR in around 6 months before even going there. I don't know the advantage/disadvantage of the 457 vs PR, but check it out.

All the best and hope everything goes well.

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We live in Joondalup as do plenty of other immigrants ( SA, UK , Irish ) We really like the area as it's close to the beach and has good access to the city by train and free way.

Edith Cowan university has it's main campus in Mount Lawley which is closer to the city, but it also has a rather large satellite campus in Joondalup.

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