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Bok Rugby Jersey wanted


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I'm hoping this is the right place to post this, but I'm after a Bok rugby jersey for myself. I bought a T-Shirt when I was in RSA last year but I want a jersey, always have!

If anyone can direct me to a place here in Oz (preferably Melbourne where I live), OR if someone is coming here in the next few weeks and would kindly bring me one... I'd be much obliged!

PM me if you can, and we'll talk size, cost, etc.

(By the way, aren't our Bokkies performing beautifully??)


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We are off to South Africa in November. If you want me to bring you one back I will. We are in Wagga Waggan and can then post it to you by registered post or something...

Ek het vir jou 'n PM gestuur. Ons gaan net hand bagasie deurvat wil nie travel met 7 tasse nie so daar sal plek wees vir die trui.

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Ag baie dankie vir die aanbod! Ek gaan in Desember ook terug, so kan dit net sowel dan self kry. Ek wil eintlik nou ene kry sodat ek, ten tyde van die Rugby World Cup, in my kantoor kan rondloop en pronk met my span se voorspoed.

As enige iemand tans 'n trui in die hande kan kry, in die volgende 2 weke of so, sal ek graag daaroor gesels.

Weereens BAIE dankie vir die gewilligheid om te help!! :ilikeit:

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Hallo Ozzie,

Kyk by www.rugbyfever.com.

Hulle is in 228 Swan Street, Richmond. Dis naby Church road. Ek was so 3 weke terug daar. Hulle het toe net hulle nuwe world cup voorraad gekry. Hulle het onder andere die nuwe springbok truie gehad.

Hoop jy kom reg


Edited by Vanie Plaas
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I bought mine yesterday at the Canterbury shop in Pitt Street (nr. 253) in Sydney - they have short and long sleeve jerseys of most countries playing in the World Cup.

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MichelleM se man vlieg die 3rd October as ek dit nie mis het nie en hy kan dalk vir jou bring. Hulle is ook in Melbourne. Darem sal jy dit dan volgende naweek al he vir die quarters.



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