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Springbok Apteek


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Hi almal

Ek wil net graag iets uitvind. Ek moet vir my seun 'n vitamienstroop invoer vanaf Springbok Apteek wanneer ons in Brisbane kom.

Ek sukkel my as af in SuidAfrika om dit te kry en net Springbok hou dit aan. Wat is die "wetgewing" rondom vitamienstroop? Ek kan seker 'n voorskrif kry vir dit want die oor-neus en keel spesialis het dit aanbeveel.

Hy is gebore met een of ander hogere naam disfunksie van sy immuunstelsel. Raak allergies vir niks en so aan. Hy moet omtrent elke 6 maande grommits kry en sy ore se pypies wat na die keel toe gaan word verstop as gevolg van sy sinusprobleme.

Miskien sal sy allergie verdwyn as ons in Australie want ons woon in 'n baie besoelde dorp.

Hoe gaan mens dan te werk om die goed te bestel?

Ek hoor graag van julle.


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Hi Carelene,

Eerstens dink ek jy moet jou seun se hele dokters geskiedenis op file kry en dit by jou hou. Daarna dink ek moet jy nou al probeer uitvind of die stroop nie dalk hier in OZ ook gekry kan word nie. Indien nie tref dan reelings met die apteek daar dat hulle dit vir jou aanstuur. Dalk kan 'n familie lid dit vir jou aanstuur?

Wanneer kom julle oor hierheen? Is daar nie genoeg tyd sodat jy kan navorsing doen op die net oor die medisyne nie? Dan kan jy dit online bestel as jy eers hier is, Mens worry oor sulke dinge.



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Hi Carelene,

I've previously ordered online from Springbok Pharmacy and I've had no problems with getting the medication through the Aus Quarantine. They have opened the package and checked it, but there were no problems.

As you probably know, it is easy to order from Springbok Pharmacy online.


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I can’t help with your question, but thought I would mention the following.

The allergy support network is spectacular in Australia. Both hubby and I have multiple food intolerance & allergies.

Have a look at http://www.fedupwithfoodadditives.info/fac...Factallergy.htm

Maybe one of the groups in the link can answer your question.

There are some great docs in Oz.

Edited by sonnetjie
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Hi Carelene,

I might be of some assistance to you. I work in a pharmacy here and we have a very good Natropath on site! if you tell me exactly what is in this syrup, I might me able to get something simalair? What is the Brand name in SA?

You might not even need it here, who knows?

Good Luck


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Thnx, the syrup is ProKid and the main ingredients is: Propolis, Echinacea Purpurea Etract, Rosehip Tincture, Vit C, Propylenglicol, Sorbitol.

The ENT specialist suggested that he uses this as he struggle with sinusitis and as a result also blocked ears. I will be getting a full report on all his bloodtests etc. to take to Aus, at this stage Springbok is the only pharmacy that keeps this syrup.

Thnx for your help, would appreciate if you can investigate on that side so long.


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  • 6 months later...

Hi Carelene,

Het julle reggekom? Of 'n alternatief gekry?

Sal graag wil hoor van jou.


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