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No religion - Statistiek


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Ek het heel toevallig na die statistiek "link" gaan kyk wat iemand op die forum geplaas het en opgemerk dat 'n GROOT aantal mense wat in die 2006 sensus getel is, aangedui het dat hul aan geen "religion" glo nie. In sommige gevalle is dit sommer byna die helfte van die inwoners van sommige stede. Dis nogal baie - ek weet dat daar baie redenasies oor statistiek is. Sou graag net by julle wou weet wat al daar in Australiƫ is hoe julle die godsdiens "Issue" ervaar en beleef ? Ek besef dit is 'n baie persoonlike saak, maar dit sou tog interessant wees om te hoor hoe julle dit ervaar.

As so 'n groot aantal persone geen godsdiens aanhang nie, dan moet dit sekerlik die gemeenskap "ooplaat" vir ander invloede ?

Ek lees graag oor jul ervaringe! :ilikeit:

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Guest colton

Hi Bienkie,

Don't know about the statistics but in our case one of the reasons we chose Australia is because our church membership is very big here. On our LSD we looked at this as well as we wanted our kids to still have the church influence in their lives. Our church services are packed and we actually have to divide the areas in two so some can attend church in the morning and the others attend in the afternoon, there is just not enough space for one service. You get delegated a session depending on which area you live in, and we have lots of church buildings.

There are WAY more people attending church here with us than in RSA. In RSA we had lots of black members but much fewer white ones. There are also lots of youth and children which is what we wanted. I do think it depends on which religion you belong to though. We don't belong to the conventional type like Anglican, NG or whatever.

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Hi Bienkie

Dit verskil seker maar van plek tot plek, maar vir my lyk dit baie Sekuler hier en die kerke maar leeg. Veral die traditionele kerke. Een van die groot aanpassings vir ons is hoe Australianers partymaal Christenskap sien en toepas. Bybel kennis is nie altyd die norm nie en meer bree algemene opvattings. Ek dink persoonlik Suid Afrikaners was baie geseend met die tipe Predikante en kwaliteit van kerke wat ons gehad het. In Suid Afrika het jy aangeneem die volgende persoon glo darem aan God. In Australie (in my area) is beslis nie algemeen nie en 'n onderwerp wat nie maklik in gesprekke opkom nie. Dit is maar my ervaring sover. Dit kan anders wees in ander dele van Australie so ek sal niks daaroor uitwei nie.

Groete Riaan

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Hi Bienkie,

The statistics are confusing and it looks like the numbers indicate what you've raised a question about.

However, while researching schools to teach at in Aus, I've found hundreds of private/independant schools across the country that are religiously based; Catholic, Anglican, Christian etc.And each school has large numbers of pupils. Now I know parents send their kids to private schools for different reasons, but surely this big number tells you that religion is active in Australian day-to-day life - not necessarily only on Sundays? I apologise if that was put wrong; but you know what I mean!

As had been mentioned, perhaps it is just a different way of religious life to what we are used to here.It certainly is an issue I am going to be thrown in the middle of; my position is at a Catholic school!


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I would rather live in a country where 20% are committed and attend church, not where 80% claims to be Christians and only 3% attend church on a Sunday... :ilikeit:

Where is that stats links again? :unsure:

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Hi Moeggeploeg,

I posted it; I think it was abs.com.au - australian beaurea of statstics.

You have a good point!

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Sorry, here it is...


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