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Hoe voel Aus oor rook ?


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Ek wil weet wat die wette in Aus is oor rook. Waar mag jy rook en waar nie, is hulle so streng soos in Sa? My man rook so as daar n probleem gaan wees sal ons dit nou moet sort.



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Man ja dis nogal 'n teer punt hier in Aus :thumbdown: GEEN rook in publieke plekke. In een van die state is dit nou teen die wet om in jou kar te rook as jy passesiers onder 16 het as ek reg onthou.

Elke aand is die ads op om nie in jou kar of huis te rook nie....

Maar dit keer ons ook nie om die ou twakie aantesteek nie :thumbdown:

EN onthou net dit kos baie duurder as in SA.

Pakkie 30's kos so $11-$13 ... maar dit keer my ook nie :thumbdown:


:wacko: smokie

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Ag ja! (sug) Die twakkies!!!

Ons het besluit om nie in die huis te rook nie om dit moeiliker te maak en dan miskien minder te rook en dan uiteindelik op te hou. Yep as if that has worked!!!! Al is dit VREK koud buite rook rook ons!!

Ek laaik dit om te rook! Rook nou al for ever, behalwe 3 x 9 maande en dan so net onder 2 jaar opgehou en ..... wait for it........ weer begin!! Kan julle glo!?!?!

In hierdie huis is daar amper 'n hele laai vol "ophou rook" medisynes.

Ons wil regtig ophou. Dis net so moeilik as mens uit gaan ens ens. Staan altyd buite soos een of ander melaatse!! Elkgeval die adds werk maak my so bietjie ongemaklik, I suppose it's time!

Good luck julle.



NS Flippen baie Aussies rook hulle's net skelm rookers! Kyk bietjie by die lughawe, wel buite die lughawe, arivals of departures!!!

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Ek het nie gedink dis so rof nie. My arme man hy gaan nou iets aan sy rook moet doen wat swaar gaan wees. Hier by ons betaal jy so +- R5,00 vir n pakkie 20, en jy kan orals rook.



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Hi julle

Stel vir julle a goal.Of koop iets wat jy met jou rookgeld betaal.

Noudat ek daaraan dink.MOENIE IETS KOOP NIE!!!!

Julle gaan in elk geval weer begin rook, dan sit jy net met die ekstra skuld van die ding wat jy moet afbetaal.

My ma se ek's nog nie oud genoeg om te rook nie, en ek luister vir haar. :)

Om die waarheid te praat.Ek het Desember, 14 jaar gelede opgehou rook toe my vrou sowaar ons eersteling op 9 maande appro gevat het.Dit is mos eers die kostes klaar betaal dan kan jy die dingetjie

kry wat op appro is.

En van toe af, het ek maar my ou rookgeldjie ingeboet .Ek weet nie watter gat het ek probeer toemaak met die geld nie, want hy het net al hoe groter geword. :D

En vandag is hulle altwee wyfies, en 11 en 14 jaar oud.




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Goeie ene Jacques!!1

Yep die twakkies die kinners die mans????

Sien jy kom ook op 'n 136 Modl Electrician. Ons ook amper aan die einde van die rit. My man het verlede week sy Trade Certificate gekry hy is nou 'n official Aussie Tradie!! Nogal 'n lang pad hoor maar well worth it.


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Guest colton

My hubby and eldest son are the outcasts, "smokers", in the family. Luckily for us they have NEVER smoked in the house and always stand away from people when they do. Both tried to stop before they came over but I really do feel for them, it is EXTREMELY addictive, unfortunately they still smoke, just as much as before. Hubby even mentioned the other day if the cost was $50 a packet they would still smoke! :thumbdown:

It used to bug me, besides the disgusting smell, the huge amount of money that in my opinion was wasted till I came up with a good solution that keeps us both happy. He can smoke as much as he likes as long as he gives me the equivalent in cash. I squirrel most of it away in investments and spend the other on my scuba diving. He gets so annoyed when my statements come in showing the interest earned when all he has to show for his money are puffy little clouds in the air. :thumbdown: Nothing puts it in more perspective than seeing what "could have been". Got another statement in yesterday so once again he is determined to stop, even if it is to just stop me getting any more growth from his "pain" as he calls it. <_<

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Cigs are very expensive in OZ , so do yourself a favour, stop smoking or cut down. Save that money for weekends away and discover OZ. ;)

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Yip, been here a week, and you don;t see many smokers! The ads are really disturbing as well. I had my last ciggie on the airport in Jhb last week Thursday. I've stopped for a week. It's been hard, but it made it easier being in a foreign country. I haven't formed bad habits here of smoking in the car, or at home here, so getting over the HABIT is easier, because there was no habit here in the 1st place. But yes, the cravings are there, I'm more emotional, I cough a lot to get all the stuff out, but I FEEL a lot better. It's nice to not be so dependent on something that expensive, and apparently smoking is very frowned upon in the workplace here.

So, this was just a 1st (actually 2nd)step to a better life for us. We came here to also lead a healthier lifestyle :ilikeit:



PS. My husband also kisses me more ;)

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For all the smokers out there, wait until you want to take out life insurance! You are going to be slugged to high heaven....the insurance companies definitely don't like the the smokers. My husband and I have exactly the same amount of life insurance, however, at the time we took it out he was still smoking and his premium was double to what we paid on mine....go figure!

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