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Ek is normaalweg n persoon wat my gebedslewe privaat hou, maar is vanoggend opgewonde om te sien hoe God my gaan help.... vandaar sit ek my gebed oop en bloot vir almal om te sien.

Here, vanoggend is ek stukkend, my hart bloei en trane loop onophoudelik, en dit is nog nie eens more nie. More bring sy eie moeilikheid en ek vrees dit. Voor my staan n aantal berge elk te hoog en te swaar om te klim. U se in geloof kan ons (dis nou ek en U) berge versit, wel Here skuif hierdie berg tot agter my sodat ek hom nie meer kan sien nie! Mense verstaan nie altyd nie, en verwag ook nie hulle moet nie. Heer wat is hierdie berge?

Die een is more. more waar ek my 2X4 voet kinders moet gaan aflaai by keringa en wegry... U weet hoe lief het ek hulle. My Dexter-seuntjie. Ek onthou hoe hy geveg het om te bly lewe, Die dag toe ek hom as haarlose siek rot gaan optel het, sy oe wat uit sy kaste gepeul het en hoe bang hy was vir alles! Hoe ek nag na nag op die mat by hom gaan slaap het om hom na n nagmerries te troos. En hoe hy onder my liefde ontpop het in die pragtige trotse dier wat hy nou is. My LeeLoo-kokkerot waarvoor ek elke 2 ure moes opstaan om bottel te gee, haar ma moes wees en hoe ek gehuil het die dag toe haar sussies uit my huis moes uit en ek net met haar agter gebly het. Hoe ek deur haar moes leer hoe sag en hoe sterk in een mens kan wees...

En dan die groot vlug. Heer ek moet vir my Familie op die lughawe baai se en klim. 3 maande later kom my man eers. Heer ek gaan alleen die vreemde in. Almal dink ek is so sterk en so braaf, maar Heer die waarheid is ek is vreesbevange, oneindig bang en baie swak. U het my al baie geleer dat U eers werklik kan werk deur my as ek daai punt bereik. Wel Heer vanoggend is daai punt, en dis nog nie eens more nie!

Kom in hierdie donker tonnel in, en gee my krag. Help my om net een ding op n slag aan te pak en nie te veel te dink nie. Om net gelowig te volg op die pad waar U my gesit het.Heer ek weet U gee eintlik vir my n groot geskenk om Oz toe te mag gaan, Help my om dit so te ervaar. Maak my opgewonde en positief. Maak my sterk waar ek swak is. Lig my op en laat my LEEF!!!!! Gee my vlerke om oor die berg te vlieg.

Heer gebedswoorde is maar net die liggaam van die voeltjie, U trou is die vlerke!

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Hi Henriette

Die Here se Hy sal jou nooit begewe en jou nooit verlaat nie - so Hy is saam met jou.

Verder se Hy Hy sal alles ten goede meewerk - so Hy sal, elke - in 'n + verander.

Ek bid vir jou, en asb moenie alleen deur die ding gaan nie druk op almal se knoppies dag en nag. PM my of email of wat ook al. LaaT ons as kinders van die Here saam staan.



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Hi Henriette,

Ek het saam met jou gebid en die Bybel se dat waar 2 of meer mense in Sy naam vir iets vra hulle dit sal ontvang :lol:

Probeer positief bly en maak 'n daadwerklike poging om iets goed te soek in elke negatiewe ding. En onthou net een ding dat dit wat jy nou voel SAL verby gaan en jy gaan net sterker daar uit kom.

Psa 30:5) His anger lasts only a moment. His favor lasts a lifetime. Weeping may last for the night, but there is a song of joy in the morning.

(Php 4:13) I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.

Ons is almal hier. Moet asseblief nie voel jy gaan alleen hier deur nie. Een dag druk ons weer op jou knoppie.

Baie liefde


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Hallo girly

Het jy my PM gekry?

Onthou net, ek weet waardeur jy gaan en jy is altyd welkom om 'n PM of email vir my stuur.

Hou net moed, dit raak later beter. Bly net sterk wees, ek weet dit moeilik. Dink net aan die dag wat jy jou twee kinders weer gaan sien en dat hulle dieselfde babatjies is wat jy 7 maande terug in kwarentyn gesit het. Hulle verander nie een bietjie nie. Alle hulle maniertjies en dinge doen hulle steeds en dan kan jy hulle opvreet.

Onthou om paar fotojies van hulle uit te hou vir jou.

Groete & sterkte


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Hi daar

Jou gebed vind 'n weerklank in my eie gemoed, want alleen kan ons nie hierdie paadjie loop nie. Ons klim ook Woensdag op die vliegtuig en my gemoed is so vol. Baie sterkte en weet dat God elke tree saam met jou en jou gesin en viervoetige kindertjies loop. Mag die drie maande alleen baie vinnig verby gaan en mag jy en jou gesin die vrede en vreugde ervaar wat God lankal reeds vir jou beplan het.



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Hi daar

Hoe magtig is ons Heer! Ek het vanoggend met n borrelende opgewondenheid opgestaan. Geen verdere trane. Jesus het my vanoggnd kom wakker maak met n lied in my hart "kay se ra se ra, whatever will be,will be the futhers not ours to see.... :unsure:

Dankie vir al julle gebede en ondersteuning. Oz hou vas jou hoed ek is oppad!!!!!

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Hello Henriette,

Ek is bly om te sien dan dinge vandag beter gaan.

Hou maar net moed en onthou, jy is nie alleen nie, hier is altyd iemand hier wat jou sal ondersteun en wat sal luister as dinge so bietjie moeilik gaan.

Sterkte! :blush:


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Ek is baie bly om te hoor jy voel beter. Ons Vader is so getrou :blush:

Baie sterkte met alles wat voorle!! Laat ons weet hoe dit gaan.

Baie liefde


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My Grandmother lived thro the London Blitz.

The bombs began to fall on the housing of London in 1940.

They stopped in 1945.

My grandmother lived in the north east of London, on the flight path from Germany and the bombing around where she lived was particularly heavy. Many homes, many families were hit and next day there'd be a big hole where the house was and family previously had lived their lives.

My grandfather died in an air raid in 1943 of a heart attack, actually.

My grandmother was left with a house that had just been paid for, but only had ten shillings (R1.00) in savings.

She had a son in the Army and didn't know if he was alive or dead, another son on fire watch which was a dangerous job and a 13 year old daughter . . . my mum.

Hitler had still to launch his V1 and V2 ('doodlebugs') rockets on the people of Britain and the bombing was daily.

So . . . my grandmother was widowed, in a war situation with bombs falling daily around her, with her family scattered and only 10/- at hand.

The one time in her life when she needed guidance and strength to carry on, she prayed and her Bible opened at a special page that read "A thousand will fall at your left hand, ten thousand will fall at your right hand side, but you will not be touched."

My grandmother had bombs, V1 & V2 rockets hit homes, railway lines, schools, etc within a one or two kilometre radius over the next two years before the end of hostilities in 1945.

She survived, her windows in her house were blown in a number of times with blasts but the house survived intact and her family came thro the War with my uncle being only wounded in the leg.

A sceptic may state that others reading the same Bible page may have been killed and not live to tell the tale, that it's all luck, there is no Divine Creator.

Sceptics are not the ones finding strength in tough situations and invariably have no meaning or purpose in their lives because they are still searching for Truth.

You're indeed lucky if you have a Faith that helps you and sustains you thro the tough times in your life, more so than a millionaire with no Faith and no hope or meaning to his / her life.

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Well said Bob! ;)

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Hi Just wanted to let you know. I went to see my babies today

I smell like Basset hound. I Dont think I will bath again!!!! It was so nice to hug them and kiss their ears! They are ok. Dexter is still a bit scared of the guys but LeeLoo is ok. It Only been 2 days but at least I know they will be ok. Will only be able to visit them once a week, but thats ok! I had a meeting 30 km from them so couldnt resist the visit. I didnt even cry on my way home.Thanks for all your prayers and love and PM's. You are a wonderfull bunch of people!

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  • 5 months later...
Hi Just wanted to let you know. I went to see my babies today

I smell like Basset hound. I Dont think I will bath again!!!! It was so nice to hug them and kiss their ears! They are ok. Dexter is still a bit scared of the guys but LeeLoo is ok. It Only been 2 days but at least I know they will be ok. Will only be able to visit them once a week, but thats ok! I had a meeting 30 km from them so couldnt resist the visit. I didnt even cry on my way home.Thanks for all your prayers and love and PM's. You are a wonderfull bunch of people!

Hi Guys. Just wanted to let you know Tomorrow is day 176 of quarentine- It is also the day LeeLoo and dexter will fly to oz for the last leg of quarentine. Of course I'm scared of the flight and all that goes with it, but everything went so good for them! They have taken to keringa like a fish to water and I am so gratefull. Must have been all your prayers! SO I believe the last leg of our quarentine period will also go smoothly.

only 35 days left- then I can have the two of them back in my arms!

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