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Aangename Kennis van die Bezuidenhout's van Pretoria


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Hallo almal!

Ons is 'n gesin van 4: Corrie, Alet, Corné(12jr), Quentin(10jr).

Soos Karen-hulle, "hap" ons ook al lank aan-en-af aan die gedagte van emmigreer - hoop dat dinge sal beter gaan, raak net weer rustig oor die hele saak - dan gebeur daar weer iets wat ons ernstig laat begin kyk na oorsese moontlikhede....

Ons het baie plekke oorweeg, soos Kanada, Ierland, New Zeeland.

Uiteindelik is die besluit geneem - Australië hier kom ons !!!

Op hierdie stadium is die 'oog' gevestig op Melbourne, Victoria.

Ek (Alet) is reeds besig om dokumente bymekaar te maak vir my ACS Skills Assessment.

Wanneer dit suksesvol is, sal ons ons DIAC aansoek insit.

Op die stadium doen ons als op ons eie (geen immigrasie-agent nie).

Gelukkig is daar so 'n Forum soos dié waarop daar hope inligting is....


C, A, C & Q

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Hi Corrie, Alet en Kinders

May I say welcome, and wish you a smooth road to success. If there is any questions that you have about Melbourne, I would be happy to try and answer them for you!

You can either ask them here, or hit the PM button and ask them privately.

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Guest Bronwyn

Welkom, julle!

It's always nice to hear about another Pretoria family making plans (but sad too). We left Lynnwood for Adelaide in December with our kids, now aged 9 & 12. They are doing so well here, you have a lot to look forward to. :ilikeit:



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Hi Mara & Bronwyn

Thanks for the welcome.

There is still so much to do...

But, we would tackle it, as my brother suggested, the same way one would eat an elephant - bit-by-bit

Will let you know when I have more specific questions, of which I can't find answers that has already been posted on this forum.

Wish you all well.


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Hallo Corrie,

Ek en my familie is al 10 jaar in Adelaide en baie gelukkig ons het lank in Elardus park gewoon. Pretoria was altyd goed vir ons maar ek moet se ons is baie gelukkig in Adelaide. Laat weet as ek kan raad gee.

Groete en sterkte


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Baie welkom julle.

Ek, hubby en ons kroos van 3 is ook oppad Melbourne toe van Pretoria af.

Baie strekte en ek hoop alles gebeur sommer vinnig en sonder moeilikheid vir julle.



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Hi Corrie en Alet.

Vasbyt en moenie moed verloor nie. Dit is 'n lang proses, maar die emosionele losmaak is die moeilikste. Na 9 maande se dink en tob en stress en opgewonde wees moet ek sê is ons nou al so te sê reg om te gaan. So gebruik die tyd wat julle wag om totsiens te sê vir als hier in SA.

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Dankie, julle.

It's funny - When the decision is taken to go, one’s whole approach to everything changes.

I even look at advertisements differently. I had this silly :D habit of always going through advertisement pamphlets to keep abreast with the prices of different things. Then when I see a ‘special’, I usually know whether it is really a ‘special’.

Now, I almost find it frustrating looking through it, as I catch myself thinking that it doesn’t help looking at these items, as I’m not going to buy it here anyway….

Fortunately, if ACS agree, my occupation will be MODL, and I will hopefully get priority processing based on that. But it seems that ever 'priority processing' takes forever.

I will take Swerwer's advise and meanwhile apply for posts in Oz (Melbourne) & maybe I'll also get a job offer (with 457) that will accelerate our move.



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