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hello mense!!!

Macaveli here (preferable), but otherwise Ally is fine.

Never even knew this website existed until I searched for something completely different and this site came up.

So we have been in Adelaide for a year and 2 months now, and been back to visit Cape Town once since then. I have a wife and 2 kids, boy and a girl, aged 5yrs and 11 months - so we arrived as 3, but we are now 4. lol.

My wife is Aussie, and we have been together since 2000. The great thing is guess is that my wife has spent 7 years with me living in Cape Town and she knows our culture very well - so lots of respect to her for sticking it out there for so long. In the end we always knew we would be living here before the kids were off to school.

So, I kinda had a shortcut into Aus, we are married for 6yrs now and I am a PR and the kids are both Citizens. (I have a few questions about me getting citizenship, but will get to that in another post).

Other than that, life has been good to us here and we cannot complain.

I still and will ALWAYS support the bokke and the Proteas! not much into footy.

I am keen to meet fellow South Africans and keep my culture going, as we all know, we are a unique kind of people and love to laugh about things that are not-so-laughable.

I come from Muizenberg in Cape Town - born and bred Capetonian - and I believe there is no better place on earth than Cape Town.

I love get togethers, braai, bbq, chat, good conversation, love helping people where I can. I play squash, love doing a bit of DIY and working on cars and modifying them (haven't done any since here though)



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Thanks Rika and VanWyk.

Rika looking at your profile pic - I just came back from Coles wearing my springbok jacket :ilikeit:

not sure about you guys - but I feel more patriotic and proud being South African when I am here in Aus.

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Welcome.I allso only found the forum about a month ago and it is grate to relate to other people that is in the same boat (not reffugee boat).Just to get advise or just to have a chat.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Macaveli,

I lived in Cape Town and grew up in Muizenberg :)

Iv been in Adelaide for about a year now.

Where abouts in Adelaide you staying?



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