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Hi All, I'm new to forum but so glad I stumbled upon it! We are a family of 4. Me my Husband and 2 children(a son 4 and daughter turning 7). We decided on moving to aus in 2007. We went over for 3months. Lived there and checked everything out. We came back, I was pregnent at that stage and decided to postpone our plans until our son was born. Well its been almost 5years and now at last we are going to start the process.We have all our unabridge documents in place. We are thinking about WA, I am a qualified teacher with a Bachelours Degree. My Husband is in the mining industry and is a site manager at present.Can anyone advice as on wich visa to use? We are going to apply for a 457 visa and must find a sponsor and employer. Also thinking about going over for a holiday and then try to secure some job offers or sponsor. Can anyone Advice me on this decision. Is the chances of getting a job better that way.

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Hi and welcome!

Had a quick check and Primary teacher and Mine Deputy are but skills in demand in WA (http://www.migration.wa.gov.au/SKILLEDMIGRATION/Pages/Occupationsindemand.aspx) - This means you could apply for 189 Skilled Visa or 190 State Sponsored Skilled Visa (Both offer PR with full entitlement). You need 60 points to apply - I'd suggest investigating these two before you look at the 457 (With this visa there are a number of restrictions around entitlements - school, medicare etc)

Also, I read somewhere the mining industry is thriving in WA

Good luck and keep us posted! :ilikeit:

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Thanks for your valuable info ClaudioDr. I will start looking into those visa's asap. Will keep you posted

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Zya, I wouldn't advise trying to get a job while on a holiday visa. One, no one will hire you without a valid visa and two, it's a breach of you visa conditions.

Having said that you could investigate job prospects while here but without then trying to stay. You may be lucky and someone may ask you to stay and agree to sponsor you but don't bank on it or ask for it. I know of people who tried to do this and got no where.

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Hi there Zya and welcome to the form. Good luck with the rest of the process. As suggested I would investigate the 189/190SS visa options, depending on how many years experience you've got as a teacher you will probably have sufficient points to get an invitation for one of these two visa's.

Edited by HadEnoughofJuju
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Thanx everyone!Pray Deut.28 over each and every one of you. May the Lord shower you with all His Blessings. Goood Luck 2 you Allll 2!!!!

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Welcome and good luck :)

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HI Zya


My suggestion, when you put in your EOI, tick all the boxes of all the possible visas and wait and see what you get invited for.

Having a sponsor certainly makes the move a bit easier with a guarenteed job, but if you lose the job you may have to return. A PR visa is great, but no job first, you apply for jobs once you have a visa, and you get more choice about where to go and when to make the move.

Best of luck!!


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Hi and welcome Zya!

I just wanted to add that both the 189 and 190 visas are both Permanent Residence visas which make them way better than a 457, so if you can qualify that might be the better option, as it offers lots of state benefits and more job security (unemployment allowance etc. should you be retrenched) where a 457 is a lot riskier with no benefits. There are many helpful posts about this which you can search and read up on. Best wishes with everything :)

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