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Hi - from the Vaaltriangle


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Hi everyone, as a lot of guys here I have also been listening and watching and "lurking" - not having enough "courage" to post anything and not feeling as if I'm not REALLY in the same situation / going through the same process as everyone. But since we've written our IELTS tests on Saturday I feel like I belong.... jippppeee yaaayyyy

Well a little bit about myself and my biggggg family.... Its me, hubby, five children and grandma applying .... My mom stays with us and after a lot of convincing and explaining and encouraging she has finally come to terms with giving up everything that she has known for the past 67 years. It even seems as if she is looking forward to it.... She has been staying with us since my dad passed away 12 years ago and luckily she is in excellent health. So fingers crossed for her IELTS results and medicals.....

Our children are mine yours and ours and sometimes it goes a little crazy, from a 17year old teenager to a 3 year old cutie. I already now worry about getting a house large enough for us all......

If this was an ordinary visa application and meaning going through all the motions one at a time with not much hurry I would have felt better but my hubby is turning 45 on the 8th of Feb 2013 and we need to lodge our application before 15h00 on the 7th of Feb!! Things are going hectic to get all the documents together and hopefully we will be successfull with the process.

I already feel like I know quite a few of you that are regular "posters" and I really admire the way that everyone supports each other - be it with a shoulder to cry on or good advice.

I never ever ever in my whole life thought that I would be on a forum like thjs, doing IELTS tests, applying to go and live somewhere else but with 5 children's lives in our hands we have no other option.


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Welcome Deb :) Good luck with the process. Which visa are you hoping for and where about in Aus do you plan on settling?

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Welcome, hope your journey is smooth!

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Welcome! May you find guidance in your journey and all the answers you seek on this forum.

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Welcome to the forum. glad you found us and hopefully we can be some help.

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All the best - hope you have a smooth journey.

Need anything - just ask - someone will be an expert. :P

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Welcome to you and your Big family :ilikeit: We also hail from the vaal, and also in this long but rewarding process. Good Luck to all of you, and hope to see you in AUS one day.

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Welcome! Ook van die Vaal, Vanderbijlpark to be exact :-) My sus is n juffrou by Transvalia :-)

Hope everything falls in place for you soon.

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Thanks everyone for the kind words and replies. Glitter Smitter we are hoping for a 190 PR visa and will probably be going to Perth....

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Hi & welcome...this forum is such a great place for....EVERYTHING!! Good luck and keep us all posted!

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Hi Debbie

The day that you and your family decided to emigrate and give up everything you know and have built up here in RSA was the day that you became one of us. Even if you didn't post you were still part of the family.

This is truly an awesome little corner of the web and full of wonderful, supportive and encouraging people who have no idea what they have meant to my wife and I since we joined and started this process.

This is the best decision you will ever make for yourself as well as your family and once your Mom gets to Australia and experiences the good life and sees you children flourish she will understand why you did it.

On the age thing, apparently (you will have to go and read up on this on DIAC's site) but I think they have raised the age limit to 50. If your hubby is the main applicant he will loose points when he turns 45 but if that's a problem he can always look at re-writing the IELTS and scoring 8+ in all four bands which will get him 10 extra points.

Good luck with the rest of the process and don't give up, there will be lots of hurdles but if you keep at it and work hard you will get there and live the life you dream of.

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Hi Debbie

Welcome and good luck with the whole process.

We are also from the Vaal Triangle Vanderbijlpark We got granted our visa on the 27th September 2012 looking at being in Sydney late December early January, hope to see you around in Australia. :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Cid - thanks so much - we must definitely keep in touch through this forum and yes maybe, we could get in touch in Australia. How are the nerves and how is the packing going?

I dont know about everyone else but it all still feels like a dream but I realise that as soon as the packing starts, then I will fully realise the enormity of the "trek". I was just reading about someone who was in SA for 3 weeks and very soon they had all their sinusses blocked etc etc etc - its much worse in the Vaal Triangle (Vuil Driehoek)..... We lived in Zambia for 2 years and the kids never ever had flu or sinus problems and as soon as we got back it all started. Now a week doesnt go by that one of them is sick.

@HadEnoughofJuju - yes the age cut off is 50 but hubby needs the extra points that he earns if he is younger than 45.... we want to get in on a 190PR visa - he is already (even writing the IELTS with a band score of 8) on the border of 60 points. Actually we received the IELTS results yesterday and he has to re write ::)) he scored 7 ..... will be booking for 1 December... and no we will not give up - the children need OZ :grads:

Thanks for everyone's kind words.....

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Best of luck for the 1st. We know what it is like to be up against an age limit and diminishing scores. We were living in Australia, paying our taxes and generally contributing to society when we did our PR, and some days it really felt like we were not wanted as we battled to get everything in order. Luckily, it all fell into place in the end. It is an enormous weight that lifts off your shoulders once the PR comes through, and you know that your future is just that little bit more secure.

I ascribe all of my grey hairs to going through this process!

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