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Do you currently live in Centurion?


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Hi all

I am getting the feeling that there are MANY people active on SAAUS who live in Centurion. Give me an indication if you do. If you want to, you can add suggestions where we could meet for a picnic (restaurants are expensive and make mingling difficult) if you want to.

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The Centurionites(?) normally gathered at the Irene farm, which works quite well. I don't think they have been there for ages though.

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I live in centurion. :P

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Last time I checked, HadEnough, you live with me...grapgat!

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  • 4 weeks later...

My genade - kort voor lank is die hele Centurion in Australie!

Ek is oorsponklik van Pta - lyk my dis hoofsaaklik die Gautengers wat skuif

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Jacques, ons was lanklaas on-line, is die piekniek nog aan vir more? Ons maak eers so 12:00 klaar by die kerk (2de diens).

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Hi EliznaCobus,

Julle is die enigstes wat gereageer het op my voorstel. Ons het egter geen relings gemaak nie aangesien daar vir 2 weke geen reaksie was nie.

Meskien is die tyd van die jaar net so dat meeste mense besig is.

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