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Immigration to Adelaide


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Hi All

My name is Chrissi and I am married with 2 children. I am currently living outside Rustenburg on a lovely plot but like everyone else have been victims of crime. And so we made the decision in December to emigrate, we're now signed up with a migration agent and are in the beginning stages of the (painful) process of immigration. We hope to go to Adelaide if the visa is accepted, it sounds like a wonderful place.

I have really appreciated all the great advice offered on this forum, so decided to join up! I have been in contact with Tanya to meet up, but unfortunately she is in the final stages of leaving (lucky thing :whome: ), and couldn't make it, so if anyone else is interested in having a coffee (at the Waterfall Mall) let me know!!



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Hi Chrissi

Welkom by die forum! Jy behoort baie antwoorde op baie vrae te kry hier. Op watter visa doen julle aansoek?

Daar is 'n hele klomp mense oppad Adelaide toe - ek is een van hulle! :whome: So ook my sussie en haar man.

Wannneer jy ingelog is op forum, is daar 'n 'search' function regs bo - search 'Adelaide' om 'n hele paar threads te kry wat Adelaide spesifiek raak - van woonbuurte tot parke etc.


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Hi Chrissi

Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll find plenty of assistance and useful information here on the long road to emigration. You'll also find that there are many South Africans already in Adelaide, and several more (like myself) who are looking to move there.



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Hallo Chrissi,

Best of luck and please keep in touch, I live in Adelaide and yes it is a great ""groot dorp" not like a city really. Welcome to the forum and almost welcome to Adelaide :ilikeit: Hows the Kloof ?

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:lol: Hallo Chrissi,

Baie welkom by die forum en met die beste besluit in julle lewe, ons kom ook van Rtb af. Julle sal nie 'n fout maak om oor te kom na Australia toe nie, dit is heaven on earth. Dit is voorwaar 'n pragtige land hierdie. Ons het nog nooit soveel rustigheid ervaar in ons hele lewe nie. Wees net elke dag positief en jy sal 'n sukses daarvan maak. Geniet dit.




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