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Rabecca: new in Brisbane


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Hi all, so I have just arrived in Brisbane. Its a bit of a long story to make it short and sweet we have been living in NZ for almost 5 years already and didnt like it too much. I come from durban so of course the weather was just too hard for me to get used to. we decided we would pack it in and come to aus. anyway had another baby while in nz and decided to stick around to do our residency there as going back to SA is just not an option for us. so lo and behold 3 years go by and we are still in nz still not enjoying it. my husband decides to put his CV out to some companies here and got just about every job he applied for so we really had the pick of the crop. he arrived here in nov 09 on a 457 visa and we had to wait to get our older 2 kids passports from SA etc etc anyway after a very very long wait we have just arrived here yesterday. woke up at 5am this morning and it already feels like half my day is gone :ilikeit:.

We shipped our furniture from nz but they screwed us and ended up charging us double what they quoted for so our stuff is in storage till we can gather the money together to pay them. so i get here and there is a double bed, a blow up mattress and 2 camp chairs. i felt like crying! i just so want to be in a home again. I do need to get a few odds and ends especially kitchen stuff so if anybody knows of any decent discount store around brisbane be kind and share :).

well thats all for now.

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Welcome to the forum Rabecca...

I think you will find Sams and Crazy Clarks good for cheap kitchen stuff... although even the supermarkets sometimes have kitchen stuff marked down for a bargain, try and have fun hunting. I went to the op shops like LifeLine and Vinnies and bought dinner service and things for a total bargain ~ and had fun trawling through all the junk finding the odd treasure.

There was a 'starter kit' with stuff to help new arrivals, not sure who organises that though... maybe someone else on the forum knows?

Anyway, all the best with settling in to your new lives here in Australia, hope you find every happiness.


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Welcome welcome!

Pitty you that end of ozworld...i have a few kitchen things im not using anymore...but im sure you will find some bargains..thats part of the fun of making such a big move!!

Hope you settle in soon !

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Welcome on board, Rabecca!

I'm a bit intrigued about the shipping company being able to charge you double their quote.

If you have a quote for the items being shipped, they are legally liable, in Australia, to only receive the money quoted, unless you had a heap more goods shipped outside of the initial quote.

Anyhow . . . you're in Brisbane now and it must seem like Durban.

I was playing cards with some mates last night and one of them got a call from his mate who is in Brisbane and works for the Met Bureau in Queensland.

Apparently, 1 metre of rain has fallen since the New Year there and yesterday was the first day that there hadn't been any rain.

If only we'd get some of that water down the River Murray or in Adelaide (sigh)

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There was a 'starter kit' with stuff to help new arrivals, not sure who organises that though... maybe someone else on the forum knows?

Hi Rabecca

Welcome to Brisbane. Where abouts are you staying? One of my ex-clients, now friend, has a starter kit she is happy to lend to someone needing it (just depends on area). The Sabona crowd can also help you with stuff, take a look at their website www.sabona.com.au. Register on their site to get their regular emails which contains information like second hand stuff which can be donated, plus South African groups which is very helpful if you don't know anyone here.

If you want to get some stuff asap but don't want to buy as you have it coming over, I can recommend renting from PHD rentals. They will deliver and their prices are reasonable. They also have a kitchen starter pack which contains everything you will need, from pots, crockery, kettle and toaster to broom.

Keep your chin up, it will get better!

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Welcome to Brisbane !!!!!

Just wanted to let you know that we were also screwed with the clearning of our container - ended up paying $4400 to clear the container through the Brisbane port and get it delivered to Aspley (and we had no choice as they had our container!). So you are not alone - it does happen to others. The trick is to get over it and move forward.....your future awaits ! (Easier said that done I know, but when you get a good nights rest, you will feel better!)

Good Luck with that "starter kit"


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Welcome Rabecca to the Forum ;)

You could not of chosen a better place to make friends and assist with any Q's you might have - possibly you can even help those still going through the process with your experiences.

Look forward to seeing around



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gosh thanks all for your wonderful welcome. its good to know that we are all in the same kinda boat (well at least at some point we all been there) anyway managed to get rental furniture so they will be delivering a couch and bed today :whome:. went around to the mall yesterday and got some sheets from target i think, not the cheapest but also picked up a navman thing so feel better about driving around looking for places. So i think i am going to head off to some op shops around to see what i can find.

Thanks all for being so lovely and look forward to "seeing" more of you :holy:


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