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SusterAnna: Glad I found you


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Hi everyone

Our family moved to Australia in 2005 and in many ways we are settled in. I came across this forum by chance a short while ago and thought it a good idea to share my thoughts here. I used to read the posts on a previous forum for South African Australians when we were in the process of emigrating which helped me tremendously, but that forum closed down when we arrived here and it was such a loss for me. So, when I came across this forum last week I could not believe that this new one existed all this time. I wonder if I could ask if the Riekie on this forum is the same one as on the forum five years ago? If it is, I would personally like to thank you for all your information during the very difficult time of immigrating. I literally hung on every word you wrote and it gave me a lot of confidence in the task ahead. You gave such valuable information that placed a lot of perspective on the unknown back than. Thanks a lot.

I am working part time, has two children in high school and a husband working in CBD. Looking forward to dropping in to the whenever tie allows.


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Welcome to the forum SusterAnna!

I wonder if I could ask if the Riekie on this forum is the same one as on the forum five years ago? If it is, I would personally like to thank you for all your information during the very difficult time of immigrating. I literally hung on every word you wrote and it gave me a lot of confidence in the task ahead. You gave such valuable information that placed a lot of perspective on the unknown back than. Thanks a lot.

Yes, it is definitely the same Riekie and she has helped thousands of people! :wacko: Riekie is a celebrity in the immigration world!

Bye, Pippa! X

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Welcome to the forum Sanet, its a great platform to 'pay it forward' and its great you found us!

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Welcome Suster Anna, hope you will be happy with us here.

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It's the same ol' Riekie.

Vaalie has morphed into "Mara"

Aussie Bob is now plain ol' "Bob"

Glad you could drop in.

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Whow, can't believe you are all here. Now I am really happy to have found you again. Thanks for a great forum!

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