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Beskuit in 'n tupperware bak??


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My skoonma het nou besluit ons moet beskuit vir Oz kry en 2 baksels gebak!! mag ons dit inbring in Oz?

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My skoonma het nou besluit ons moet beskuit vir Oz kry en 2 baksels gebak!! mag ons dit inbring in Oz?

As dit n kommersiele sort beskuit is en in die geselde oorspronglike verpaking is, met al die bestandele gelys sal hulle dit toelaat.Jou skoonma se beskuit sal hulle weg vat en vernietig.

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No way!

All food must be declared. Home baked biscuits will be confiscated and destroyed. If you do try to bring it in there are significant penalties. I think the maximum fine is $250 000.

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Yep, no chance unfortunately. My Grandmother (bless her) tried to bring in home-made short-bread and they confiscated it. They were less than impressed when she offered them some to taste. :lol:

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Seems Oz is really quite difficult. We brought loads of home made biscuits and rusks in our suitcases to the UK. They are fine with it as long is it doesn't contain a lot of dairy.

We are not allowed to bring biltong though, but .... :cry:

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Seems Oz is really quite difficult. We brought loads of home made biscuits and rusks in our suitcases to the UK. They are fine with it as long is it doesn't contain a lot of dairy.

It's because so much more of Australia's economy depends on Agriculture than Britain, so they're tougher on not bringing in live "creepy crawlies" that can breed and damage their industry.

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They would confiscate as the ingredients are not known. Anything with milk product in it they will not allow.

Having said that, I brought in 2 boxes of Ouma beskuit for a friend, declared my food items and they let me through without checking it.

How weird? Considering I had a sachet of pasta mix seasoning (dry food) in my container which they destroyed.

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