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Rich: Counting the days


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Firstly, great site and a wonderful source of info - both info I knew I needed and info that I never even thought I might need, but now realise I do.

My wife, two young kids (5 and 1) and I are relocating on a 457 to Kalgoorlie, WA (from Sandton). Should be coming through in the next week or so, then just a few loose ends to take care of (selling cars, sorting out policies, etc) and we'll be on our merry way.

We lucked out with an intra-company transfer (my work) and are looking to make the move permanent as soon as possible after arriving. My company have indicated that they'll sponsor me for PR after a few months.

We can't wait to get going and to start our new life in Oz, and look forward to sharing our experiences with this forum.

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Welcome Rich! Good to see you around, and I'm looking forward to hearing about Kalgoorie once you've settled! Hang in there for the first few rough weeks - it's all worth it in the end :huh:



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Hi Rich,

Congratulations on your decision-which I believe is a wise one :ilikeit::ilikeit:

Looking forward to hearing all about your experience.

Best of Luck to you and your family.

africanbeauti ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Rich, I'm about to relocate to Kal from Randburg. Just waiting for my 457 to come through then i'll be on my way. Had removals co at my townhouse today to do quote etc etc so things moving.

my co (in mining) transferring me out there. was there in early dec06 for a look see trip. got to spend time in kal, perth and leinster.

so how's life with regards to settling into kal? must admit at first i was very hesitant re small town life but the more i got to see of the place the more i liked it hence once my final offer was made it was pretty much a no brainer.

lots of south africans out there! heard afrikaans being spoken a few times on the street and then also bumped into 2 sa guys at the airport.

looking foward i must admit!!!

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Hi all new kalgoorlie residents I am staying here in kal,I have downloaded some photos of kal in"places of interest"on this forum

kalgoorlie is ok the locals calls it kal

see ya around


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Hey WAGeo,

We're due to arrive in Kal on 10th Feb (provided no undue delays on the visa), so sounds like we'll be there within a few weeks of each other.

Do you have family, or are you going by yourself?

My company is in the mining supply business (drilling equipment) and I'll be looking after the local branch / sales in the Goldfields area. Which company are you with? What will you be doing?

I've been to Kal a number of times on business over the past few years. It's not everyone's cup of tea but I really quite enjoy it and have liked it more and more with each visit. We're really looking forward to living there. People are tremendously friendly and we're looking forward to the change in pace (lack of traffic, crime, general aggression of Jo'burg, etc). It also seems to be very family friendly, which is great for us.

Four hours south is the beautiful coastal town of Esperance which is a wonderful place to visit for weekends and to escape the heat of Kal. It has the most spectacular beaches (plenty of them) and water - white sand as fine as talcum powder and a crystal clear, brilliant turqoise sea. It was recently voted as having the best beaches in Australia.

Keep in touch. We should make a plan to get together once we're both settled.


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Hi all new kalgoorlie residents I am staying here in kal,I have downloaded some photos of kal in"places of interest"on this forum

kalgoorlie is ok the locals calls it kal

see ya around


Thanks Christelle. Will check the photos out. Will see you in Kal some time, no doubt.


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Hi Rich

a good site for west australia is: www.australiasgoldenoutback.com

also for kalgoorlie:http: www.kalgoorliebusinessonline.com.au

good luck to you and your family


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Hi All,

Our 457 visas came through this morning. We're all over the moon - going to be difficult getting to sleep tonight.

We'll be on our way 9th February (only 11 more sleeps). Can't wait, although lots of little things to sort out before hand so it's going to be quite a hectic time.

Thanks to all of you who have passed on information and advice, not only in general forums, but also in response to my specific questions. It has all helped tremendously. Hope I can return the favour for others, and look forward to sharing our experiences with you as we settle in "across the pond".


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