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Will being overweight count against us


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My Dh and I are both overweight and we have yet to do the medicals but before we do I was wondering if any1 knew if being overweight was an issue?


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It depends on how overweight. The first thing the panel doctor will do is calculate your BMI: wieght/(height*height). Below 30 is an automatic pass, over 35 will probably result in some additional tests being requested, and over 40 is a serious issue. It's not an automatic fail, but they will most likely check for every ailment that goes with being seriously overweight.

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Me and my hubby's BMI were between 35 to 40. I am using High Blood Pressure pills and told the panel doctor about it. I'm not 100% sure if they've tested our sugar levels, but I think so. At the same time we got our visa, somebody else had a problem with sugar levels, and he had to get medication for it before they approved his medicals. Our medicals were approved.

Our son-in-law's BMI was over 40, but he is a huge guy. He had to go see a specialist - can't remember what the specialist was called - that declared him healthy and of "big build"..... His medicals were approved after they've received the report from the specialist.

Bottom line: get yourself tested for illnesses associated of being overweight, and if needed, get medication. For own your health's sake as well :ilikeit:

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Hi guys,

The only real reason they would "fail" you on the medical is if they believe you have a medical or health condition that would place a greater than average burden on the Australian health system or if you have a condition that somehow pose a risk to the broader community (e.g. TB or HIV) - i.e. you don't neccesarily need to be in absolutely perfect health. Being overweight or even having a pre-existing medical condition does not automatically mean you'll have any issues - but it obviously depends on you own circumstances. I've attached a link to the official "health requirement" info pack, have a look at page 2 regarding being overweight.

Here's the link http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/1071i.pdf


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