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Woef: Applying Again....


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We are starting our application again. The first agent screwed us big time and then moved to UK.

We are so tired of living in fear and wondering when it will be our turn to be robbed, raped, murdered. I don't want to live like this and I certainly don't want my 2 year old growing up in the prisons we have to live in called Homes. My greatest concern is that we are Afrikaans speaking.

He is only starting words here and there, but how will he cope with a whole new language, not to mention the ozzy pronun. How do we prep him for what's coming. We haven't told anyone that we are going yet, else the parents and family will have lots to say, even though they don't really care, except when we can be used for something. I must admit that I am relieved to finally have made the

decision and know that it would be best for us all. I would rather leave the country now with my son and husband, than him leaving alone as soon as he is allowed to do so, you know what I mean?

Great to be here and to hear all the opinions.

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We are starting our application again. The first agent screwed us big time and then moved to UK.

We are so tired of living in fear and wondering when it will be our turn to be robbed, raped, murdered. I don't want to live like this and I certainly don't want my 2 year old growing up in the prisons we have to live in called Homes. My greatest concern is that we are Afrikaans speaking.

He is only starting words here and there, but how will he cope with a whole new language, not to mention the ozzy pronun. How do we prep him for what's coming. We haven't told anyone that we are going yet, else the parents and family will have lots to say, even though they don't really care, except when we can be used for something. I must admit that I am relieved to finally have made the

decision and know that it would be best for us all. I would rather leave the country now with my son and husband, than him leaving alone as soon as he is allowed to do so, you know what I mean?

Great to be here and to hear all the opinions.

Hi Woef

Welcome to the forum. Firstly let me tell you how sorry I am that your first application didn't work out. It must have been really hard for you, and then sitting around while things deteriorate around you makes it worse!

I wish you all the best with your new application. Don't worry too much about your son, kids adapt extremely well and quickly. Start speaking English to him now, so that it won't all be new to him. Everything will fall into place. Take one step at a time!

Wishing you all the best!

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Hi Woef

Welcome to the forum. Firstly let me tell you how sorry I am that your first application didn't work out. It must have been really hard for you, and then sitting around while things deteriorate around you makes it worse!

I wish you all the best with your new application. Don't worry too much about your son, kids adapt extremely well and quickly. Start speaking English to him now, so that it won't all be new to him. Everything will fall into place. Take one step at a time!

Wishing you all the best!

Thanks Z

I'm sure this time it will all go as planned.

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Welc ome to the forum. I wouldnt even give one minute worry to your two year old. Children under 5 will pick up a new language in two ticks. And not to make you laugh but he will be sounding like Aussie by the time he is three. Our little one was two when we arrived and already she speaks of jumpers, dance (like Americans say it) and "here" (pronounced "he-ya")

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That's great ! I knew you guys would understand and be able to set my mind at ease.

Really getting excited now ......

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Welcome to the forum Woef.

Sorry the first application didn't work out, but I'm sure you'll find all the info you need right here.

Don't worry too much about your 2 year old, it's really amazing how quickly they pick up a language!

What visa are you applying for and where are you thinking of settling?

All the best, am sure this time things will go well!

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DOn't worry about your son AT ALL !!!! And don't speak to him in a mixture of English and Afrikaans either - whilst he is formulating his speech, he needs to hear one language from one person consistently. A child can learn MANY languages simultaneously, but the only rule is that thay hear ONE language from a person at a time. You can talk Language A to your partner, then turn and talk to your child in language B, and they will mentally seperate the languages - only if he ALWAYS hears language B from you.

My child spent the first 6 years of her life in a multi-cultural society. English was only spoken at home - she never heard it anywhere. She spoke Spanish to her nanny. When she started kindergarten at 4, she was fluent in English and Spanish, but had never heard Papiamento - never even once. She entered school with not ONE word of the language, and was fluent in 2 months. When she was 5, she started learning Dutchh (kids are educated in primary school in Dutch where we lived) - again .....no problem.

The language centre of the brain is amazing......do not worry about your child at all.

Good Luck with your visa !



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Welcome, good luck with the next application. My sister in law here in Sydney only speaks Afrikaans to her boy of 3, he picked up English from Disney DVDs and those Young Einstein tapes etc. He goes to nursery here a couple of mornings a week and that is in English, also neighbors kids, they just soak it in when they play. He is completely bilingual and makes us laugh with the odd translation like when they went to the zoo and they asked him what he thought a "dieretuin" was called in English and his guess was a "animal garden". How brilliant is that. Yours will be just fine.

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Interesting,,firstly..,welcome to the forum!!,,

We are also from that neck of the woods,,,my daughter is also 2 and im not worried in the least,,,ok,,she speaks mostly english,,but daddy tries to only speak afrikaans to her,,and i do the english thing,,,im hoping in oz she will learn a 3rd, mandarin or italian,,,would be wonderful..

I have 100% faith that she will adapt way quicker than us,,,and there is no need for you to write off afrikaans because you are emmigrating,,its part of your culture and your children can have it as a home language!...

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Thanks for all the replies guys, I can't wait to go now. Feels like we are preparing for a holiday, permanent holiday that is.

My hubby always says when you really want something, first ask yourself what will happen if you don't get it? In this case the answer is clear and we know what we have to do.

See you soon in Oz.

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Sorry to hear about all your troubles with your first application, hopefully this time it will be a pleasant experience

and not a totally stressful one.

Might i suggest getting hold of Migrate2Oz, they are brilliant and very helpful, trust me they won't drop you.

This is of course if your going to be using an agent again :-)

All the best, hope this time round the ride is going to run smoothly :unsure:

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