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Thought for the day : 20/06/2009


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Excerpt from "Our Daily Bread"

On a warm summer afternoon, 3 young people and I decided to hike along a 5-mile stretch of the picturesque Tahquamenon River in Michegan's Upper Peninsula. We started out with energy and vigor. But then the path began to twist and turn as it followed the river's course. We trudged through low, muddy areas and scrambled up steep ridges. Fallen trees blocked the path. We weren't sure how far we had to go or what lay ahead. Yet we knew our friends would be waiting at the end of the trail, so we had to keep going.

When we did stop for a brief rest, we talked about some parallels between our obstacle-ridden walk and the Christian life. We usually begin our Christian walk excited about our salvation. But it isn't long before we come upon the twists and turns of temptation and trails. We can get mired in the mud of mediocrity or plunge from the peaks of pride. We aren't sure what's ahead, but we know what awaits us in eternity, so we "run with endurance" the path that is set before us.

All of us get discouraged and tired at times. How pleasant it would be to stay where we are. When that temptation hovers, we must take a deep breath of the Spirit and keep moving on. Rich rewards await us at the end of the trail. - DCE

When the pathway seems long,

When temptation is strong,

When your strength's almost gone,

That's the time to press on.Hess


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I love this poem which is similar to the above post. It is a poem a found in high school and have always found comfort in when things are tough. I hope that others will enjoy it as well.


Our Father knows what's best for us,

So why should we complain ...

We always want the sunshine,

But He knows there must be rain.

We love the sound of laughter

And the merriment of cheer;

But our hearts would lose their tenderness

If we never shed a tear.

Our Father tests us often

With suffering and with sorrow;

He tests us, not to punish us,

But to help us meet "tomorrow."

For growing trees are strengthened

When they withstand the storm;

And the sharp cut of the chisel

Gives the marble grace and form.

God never hurts us needlessly,

And He never wastes our pain;

For every loss He sends to us

Is followed by rich gain.

And when we count the blessings

That God has so freely sent;

We will find no cause for murmuring

And no time to lament.

For Our Father loves His children,

And to Him all things are plain;

So He never sends us "pleasure"

When the "soul's deep need is pain."

So whenever we are troubled,

And when everything goes wrong,

It is just God working in us

To make "our spirits strong."

~ Helen Steiner Rice ~

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Excellent, and oh so true. Strange, there is a little poem I learnt at my kid's sunday school, so many years ago, but loved it, here it is. Unfortunately I have no idea who wrote it.

Said the Robin to the Sparrow "I wonder why these human beings rush about and worry so!"

Said the Sparrow to the Robin "I guess it is because they have no heavenly Father, such as cares for you and me!"

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