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Thanks for posting this, Lindy

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Thanks for posting this. My homesickness has mostly abated, but this kind of experience is the nail in the coffin of any desire to return. Not that there was much. Australia is great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,

I'm LindyM's now 24year old Daughter - just spotted that she has joined this forum to share her experiences, and find it fantastic that not only has she managed to log onto a computer forum & write a feature (hilarious - well done!); but that so many have been so kind to her about her article.

My parents interests have been nothing but for us kids. Moving away from family and a happy life in SA, to ensure that we have a better life and a safe future - is nothing short of amazing.

The move here, then back to SA, and back here again could not have been possible if my parents weren't so strong, motivated and loving. It was so hard for them, and I'm so glad that they have finally settled and are happy.

Thanks again, and good luck to everyone!

J :ilikeit:

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Thank you for sharing your story. What an enormously resilient and courageous family you are. I value your openness and honesty.

I am pleased your family decided to return to Oz.


Simplymark's wife!

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Hi There

I thought I'd just give some insight as to why I left Perth after 5 years to go back to SA, then return again after a year. It was never about not loving or even liking Australia - I have always loved living here. After 5 years we "had it all" The house, the business and even the investment property. We had worked so hard to set ourselves up and worked even harder to settle our kids- especially the eldest who was 15 at the time of moving and not a happy camper at first.

When we first made the decision to move here it was made with our head - logic. Our heart and emotions were in a very "stable condion" - being around all the people we knew and loved. We knew it was best for the whole family to emigrate.

From reading letters on this forum its is made quite clear the first couple of years are the hardest so I'm not going to harp on about them, but just to say everything does settle down and you WILL feel quite at home in time. The most helpful comment I received was to make small goals and not to think too much in the future at first. And laugh - a lot!

Anyway, it was once I was settled that my dear "heart" started taking control of my head. I constantly felt bad about leaving my very close family behind, I felt guilty ( why I dont know other than prehaps i was made to feel that by them) and I had one foot in Australia and one foot in SA . I could not let go. I went back on holiday often- and loved it - but that is not reality. You get this wonderful injection of acceptance and love from everyone you have known all your life and then a huge let down when you return. I questioned why I had left that all behind. The war between my heart and head began and it took just one disaster to make my decision. For me, it was the death of my Mom.

I got that dreaded phone call at midnight . I have always said i was just a plane trip away but never before has that been the longest flight home. I made it in time to turn the machine off and organise a funeral. I knew that one day something like this would happen but nothing can prepare you for the emotional drain that occurs. You are caught in the middle- you are needed in SA as no one is coping but your family is also needing you back in Australia because your whole life is now there. That was when my heart took over and we made the move back. My husband was right behind me and made the final decision. In retrospect I should have never sold up everything and rather rented the house and business out for 6 months, gone back and checked it out first.

We did not fit back into the SA way of living. We had changed in 5 years and so had SA. My son did not fit into the school system there and my older girls - then 18 and 21 couldn't stand it. They returned to Perth after a few months. My husband - who had a job in CT, eventually found the stress of checking up on my safety too much even tho he had been so chuffed at first to be able to buy a house for cash ( for the first time ever!) and have money in the bank. We decided to go back to Perth asap so my son could settle in the environment he loved and knew. We started all over again - lost so much money and had to start a business all over again from scratch - i take my hat off to hubby cos thats not fun to do.

Finally our hearts and head are one again. It was our choice to go back-dont regret that at all if that was needed . My feet are firmly planted here and I have no intention of ever changing plugs again!!

I had not realised my children had become full Aussies so quickly and their home will always be here -the old folks must adapt! My immediate family has to come first and I've had to place my extended family second. It was a choice I made years ago to provide a life for my kids and boy do they have a wonderful life. It was the correct decion all along - even if I went the long route to confirm it.

Dont know if that helps anyone as we all have our own set of difficulties and reasons for doing things but it was an expensive move to make to find out what I already actully knew. Our lives here are wonderful, full of happiness and laughter - hope yours are too!


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Just what we needed to hear, thanks for that albeit difficult to share like that.


Tim & Chaz

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