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St Kilda and Melbourne CBD


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Wat gaan met hierdie weer aan? Dit is terrible, maar gelukkig kom ons van die Kaap af so ons is gewoond aan die weer en geniet dit eintlik. Ons het die reen nodig! Wens net ek het 'n hengse tank gehad om alles op tevang vir die maer jare....

Ons moes gaan kamp het die naweek maar nie in die weer nie..... Sal maar wag tog volgende jaar....

Thanks vir die pic! Keep them coming.

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"The entrance to ladies for gentlemen is at the rear" had me in stiches!!! :lol::lol::lol::holy::blink::lol::lol:

Polly you are a bad influence!!! tisk tisk!!! Now I shall have to say two hail maries and drink three bloody maries!!!

Edited by Terence.H
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I saw this place the first week we were in Melbourne. Been trying to get a pic ever since! :ilikeit: (They even have a website, did you see? :thumbdown:) There are a LOT of gentlemen's clubs in Melbourne.

We really had some gorgeous weather this week, but weekends seem to be for rain lately.

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