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Good day everybody

I only realized now that I had to introduce myself…

My hubby and I got married on the 30-Aug, after changing our wedding date 3 times.

Reason being my now parents-in-law first lived in Maputo, we were going to get married next year May but then my now dad-in-law got a job offer in Australia. So, we moved the date forward so they can be here for the wedding; not knowing how long the process was going to take we moved the date to the 29-November thinking that it would be ok… but Nooo… when things first got into the motion everything happened really fast and we decided to move the date again just for incase… glad we did because it was quite a wait and I was ready with all my preparations.

It was a great wedding and a good after-party. My guests partied until 05:30 the next morning, when we went down for breakfast most of them didn’t even go to bed yet.

My parents-in-law got their Visa’s soon after that and they flew out on the 27-October, they are residing in Hopetoun WA…

We are hoping to join them soon. We are just waiting for our documentation (Passport, unabridged birth certificate & marriage certificate) before we go ahead with our plans and having to deal with this government we don’t know how long that is going to take…

In the meantime we will stick it out in SA and wish for the best.

Have a great day.

E. Spencer

"If God brings you to it, He will lead you through it" :thumbdown:

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Hi there,

Hubby and i got married last year 24 November, we had decided before the wedding that we wanted to immigrate, we are leaving for Perth soon.

best of luck with everything.


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Welcome guys. Where in kzn are you from?

All the best with the plans.

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Hi and welcome

Good luck with gathering all your doc and such... and the visa application! Hope it all goes smoothly for you.


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Welcome to the forum, all the best with your application.

I needed to read your thingy at the bottom...

"If God brings you to it, He will lead you through it" :whome:



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Welcome to the forum! It is great that you have family there to meet you. There is lots of information on this forum and you will make real friends!

Good luck.


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Welcome to this wonderful site! It is FANTASTIC that you have family. Are the in-laws happy in Oz thus far?


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Hi and Welcome to the forum!

Congratulations too on your wedding, you're basically still newlyweds on honeymoon!!



Edited by zorba
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Welcome to the forum! It really is a wonderful site - friendly and helpfull people with so much info and advice. You will love it!

And congratulations on your wedding!

If you are struggling with Home Affairs, try using Bunny Hop (www.bunnyhop.co.za) for your personal docs.

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welcome to teh fourm..you will get all the info you need, I am in tasmania, we ahve quite a few ex Richards Bay people here..all very happy...like tehr est of us...

congratualtions on the marriage..what a good start to your new life....

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Thank you for all the warm welcomes… :ilikeit:

It is really nice to know that there are so many supportive people out there.

Yes, my in-laws loves it there, they go fishing quite a lot and spends a lot of time on the beach. They are flying to Perth this weekend to fetch their car then they’ll drive it back to Hopetoun, 600km drive.

I’m actually getting excited thinking that we’ll be there soon as well.

Take care all you wonderful people.

E. Spencer

“If God brings you to it, He will lead you through it.†:holy:

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