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Should I have a dog or children?


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Dear Terence

Don't listen to them, get both a dog and children,

Those are only isolated cases.

Trust me, both are wonderful companions. Have I ever lied to you :ph34r:


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Cute!!! What did you think scrapbooking albums are full off. That's just another way of saying " we were bonding". Must say it's easier to forgive your kids.

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That looks like such fun - unless you're the one who has to clean it up!

Cats are a good suggestion.

A lovely saying - Dogs have owners, cats have staff...... :thumbdown:

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Sorry, have to vote for the dogs on this one.... :whome: They are always very happy to see you, :lol: they go to bed when you tell them to, they don't backchat you and they cost you a fair bit less than children do.

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When you get here you can get yourself a Crazy Crab or two! All the aussie kids have them.. not that I'm inferring anything here.

Seriously, two of the guys in our office have a huge fishtank with some crabs in, one of which is wearing a dockers shell (although he appears to be dead - most likely from the shame of it).

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The pic of the kids brings back memories....

I am one of 4 kids and growing up my mom had us all march in a straight line...I can remember visiting people and all 4 of us sitting iin a row not allowed to move etc....Quite a handful we were to be fair to my mom! Anyway at home it was a similar thing and my mom would have freaked if we had painted the lounge!

Anyway a few years later...grandkids arrive....and Christmas a few years ago her 4 year old grandson got hold of a polystyrene board and proceeded to shred it in her lounge! I walked in and there was Josh and my mom sitting on the floor and my mom was HELPING him break it!!! Horror!!!!!!!!! But a very WHITE Christmas it was....

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That looks like such fun - unless you're the one who has to clean it up!

Cats are a good suggestion.

A lovely saying - Dogs have owners, cats have staff...... :whome:

I totally agree... and so would my cat! :whome:

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