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It took me all weekend, but I finally got my tree up!


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That is actually... AWESOME!! The star is also really cool :ilikeit:

Must say you have good coordination managing to balance everything after drinking all that :boxing::D

(PS I am not dof, I know that is not your tree :D)

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It should become the forum emblem, although forumites should be allowed to choose their bottle of choice i think. Maybe we should label each bottle (eg: date - still no visa, grr, drank this bottle, date - struggles with agent, frustration, drank this bottle)...

Now if someone could build me an aeroplane of bottles adn fly me outta here!

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It should become the forum emblem, although forumites should be allowed to choose their bottle of choice i think. Maybe we should label each bottle (eg: date - still no visa, grr, drank this bottle, date - struggles with agent, frustration, drank this bottle)...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'll have mine in red wine bottles please, and then the top two can be champagne bottles, one for the visa and one for the sale of the house!!

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I had no idea that you were a natural blonde Eva!! I am so sorry!!!, it must be so hard!!! :)

That explain's Toowoomba! :ilikeit:

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